Priestess Presence

Discover our lineage, history, and leadership

A Message from the Dean

Explore Our Pathways

Our Doors are Open

Our Doors Are Open


Quintessia Mystery School teaches the feminine mysteries of the 13 Moon Mystery School™, founded by Ariel Spilsbury; the 13 Moon™ lineage is an initiation into the Divine Feminine through establishing direct, personal encounters with the Goddess via archetypal consciousness.

We believe we must fully embrace the Divine Feminine within us, and bring her into the hieros gamos of sacred union with the Noble Masculine to bring much-needed unity and harmony to the planet.

Having intimate experiences with the Goddess through archetypal frequency—in a disciplined and rooted way—creates vibrational alchemical transformation so that shifts in consciousness can take place.

These teachings provide a holographic framework to free the mind and heart into an expanded field of consciousness, catalyzing quantum awareness—in service to the union of all beings.

We receive archetypal “light food” that nurtures us to release stagnant energy/wounds that shadow our true embodied nature: love.

Quintessia Mystery School teaches the feminine mysteries of the 13 Moon Mystery School™, founded by Ariel Spilsbury; the 13 Moon™ lineage is an initiation into the Divine Feminine through establishing direct, personal encounters with the Goddess via archetypal consciousness.

We are devoted to the remembrance and embodiment of the Divine Feminine within each one of us … And through this remembrance, we bring the Sacred Feminine into the hieros gamos of sacred union within—with the Noble Masculine outwardly—to re-balance our planet and bring much-needed unity and harmony to all beings.  

Having intimate experiences with the Goddess through archetypal frequency—in a disciplined and rooted way—creates vibrational alchemical transformation so that graceful shifts in consciousness can take place.

These teachings provide a holographic framework to free the mind and heart into an expanded field of consciousness, catalyzing quantum awareness—in service to unity consciousness on Earth.

We receive archetypal “light food” that radically catalyzes us to release stagnant energy/wounds that shadow our true embodied nature: Love.


Rosa Mystica Mystery School was founded by Diana DuBrow and Elayne Kalila Doughty in 2019, weaving their spiritual and blood lineages together, after a deeply mystical experience they shared in Avalon (2017).

In that sacred moment of remembrance, Elayne and Diana took a vow to reignite the lineages of the Scent Priestess, taking the chrism and the art of anointing into modern-day times.

In the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, we honor ourselves as devotional, ecstatic priestesses and daughters of the Goddess, embodying service as the path of love.

We deepen our capacity to embody love and provide transformation by offering the laying on of hands through anointing with sacred oils—blessing ourselves, our beloveds, our families, our communities, and our beautiful, aching planet. We know that anointing is an act of blessing and consecration, a kiss of spirit on the body.

We believe each sacred plant that holds the alchemy of holy oils is a frequency—an aria—that quickens personal and spiritual growth by clearing the body of blockages and stagnancy. Through anointing with the sacred oils, you return home to yourself as a modern-day priestess, recognizing yourself as a Temple of Love, revealing your dignity, nobility, sensuality, and vulnerability with the Magdalene as a guide.

Diana and Elayne Kalila share the spiritual lineage of the 13 Moon Mystery School™, founded by Ariel Spilsbury. Diana also comes from the ancient lineages of the Essenes and the Therapeutae as the mystical traditions of Judaism. Elayne Kalila holds the Celtic and Druid Bandorai lineages, alongside the Magdalene.


We don’t only have two mystery schools, we are a living, working temple in devotion to the Divine Feminine.

Priestess Presence Temple was founded in 2014 by Elayne Kalila after becoming a focalizer and ordained priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School™. This was the first time the 13 Moon Mystery School™ teachings became available online, allowing for a global reach.

The Priestess Presence Temple is one of the first online priestess training schools.

Although we began small, we’ve grown into an international sisterhood of nearly 100,000 women … and continue to grow.

It’s a devotional space where we provide public offerings that support you to realign your energy, remember who you are, connect with the Divine with you, and feel the collective resonance of sisterhood.

Our vision is that the temple serves as a sacred space that honors all beings, regardless of gender, and offers a paradigm for living in harmony, balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in all aspects of our daily lives and world view.

We hope to heal the rifts of patriarchy into a new paradigm of shared co-creation, unity, wholeness, and unconditional love, honoring the sacred within all life as we remember the truth of who we are. This is a co-creative space where we weave new structures and paradigms grounded in the principle of human kindness, serving all beings to offer their greatest gifts in service to the good of the whole.

Our vision is that more beings step forward into the Essence and truth of who they are and offer the gift of this in the world.

We provide this in a myriad of ways, and most often through ceremony.

We have a powerful ceremonial Facebook Temple where we share astrology reports, oracle readings, prayer circles, and the Sanctuary of Grief.

Our second Facebook space is for alumni of our programs. This place offers oracle readings from the Magdalene Rose Oracle deck, deep dives into our self-study courses, and even our temple book, The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess.

The temple also hosts free high holy day rituals; all solstices and equinoxes are held by our Hive Council.

We also create potent archetypal quizzes and deepening packages for you to learn more about how the Divine Feminine lives within you.


Celebrating Our Milestones


Elayne began mentoring & training women in the 13 Moon Mystery School™ teachings


In August, Priestess Presence Temple & School of Sacred Arts was officially born


Began a 12-month circle to introduce the 13 Moon Mystery School™ archetypes, which was a precursor to Enter the Mystery


Enter the Mystery debuted—the first-ever online, full priestess initiation, making the 13 Moon™ teachings available globally


Started training women as Temple Guides so they could host sacred circles in their communities


Rosa Mystica Mystery School was born


During the COVID pandemic & and as an action to address diversity and crises ceremonially, we created the Hive Council

About Elayne Kalila

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years.

She is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School and Rosa Mystica Mystery School. She is also the co-founder of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School with Diana DuBrow.

Elayne Kalila founded the Priestess Presence Mystery School & Temple in 2014—and has grown it to serve a global sisterhood of over 100,000 women.

Her passion and soul purpose is to initiate, train, and ordain beings into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may step into the social role and function of the modern-day Priestess.

She began her professional life as an actor and director, finding her home within community-based theater, bringing the arts to diverse communities including prison inmates, at-risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

Elayne Kalila’s Teachers

My journey into the Divine Feminine mysteries has been deeply supported and guided by some amazing teachers and foremothers.

Ariel Spilsbury: Initiated and ordained me into the 13 Moon Mystery School Lineage (which is the foundation curriculum that we use in the Qunitessia Mystery School)

Diana DuBrow: initiated and ordained me as a Scent Priestess (I am blessed to have co-created the Rosa Mystica Mystery School with her)

Vicki Noble: I studied with her for many years; her seminal work greatly influenced me

And through the years:

Starhawk, Christina Pinkola Estes, Anne Baring, Marija Gimbutas, Margaret Starbird, Merlin Stone, Cynthia Bourgeault, Judy Grahn, Monika Soo, Barbara Walker, Lara Owens, Jeanne Achterberg, Jalaja Bonheim, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Luisah Teish, Renee Emunah

Grandmother Acknowledgement

It’s with deep honor we name the two incredible grandmothers whose great work has laid the foundation upon which the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple is created.

The Quintessia Mystery School is an extension of the 13 Moon Mystery School, founded by Ariel Spilsbury, which provides structure for the archetypal curriculum we use in our study. This is based on Ariel’s guidebook, The 13 Moon Oracle, which is the source material for our Priestess work.

We strongly encourage you to order a copy of it for this reason.

The Rosa Mystica Mystery School is co-founded by Diana DuBrow and Elayne Kalila Doughty. The scent priestess portion of the training is Diana’s life work in the Emerald Temple, which includes being an incredible alchemist of anointing oils. Go here to access the amazing holy oils created by Diana DuBrow.

Ariel Spilsbury & Diana DuBrow

Priestess Presence Faculty

Catalina Rivera Dois

Catalina Rivera Dois is an ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School and Keeper of Our Blood Mysteries Temple: a sacred space dedicated to the rebirthing of our womb mysteries into modern day life. She is an emissary of Mother’s Love through simple heart/womb knowing, magic and fun.

Catalina is also an eco-ceremonialist, a Feminine Mysteries mentor, Reiki Master teacher/therapist, registered nurse, mermaid and loving mother of 2. She is passionate about empowering women to reconnect with their innate magic, Mama Earth and the waters of life.

Becoming an Ordained Priestess changed every aspect of my life, rebirthing me into more of who I actually, awakening my gifts & tools, and delivering me unto myself. Through the ordination portal I anchored the seed dream of being a living breathing priestesses walking the Earth again, safe and free. I reclaimed aspects of myself long buried and was able to formally step into the vow that has always been in my heart: “to walk as love”.

Diana DuBrow

In 1990 I had a dream that changed the course of my life. Until this time I had worked as an intuitive consultant, and aromatherapist leading Dancing with the Goddess women’s groups and dolphin swims. Then I had a remarkable, lucid dream in which I was taken to an ancient temple and initiated as a priestess. I was told “May the priestess remember, and may she call her daughters home.”

After this dream I studied healing traditions and cross cultural spiritual practices, ancient goddess initiations and ancient priestess ceremonies and healing practices. This is when I came upon the use of essential oils as more than medicinal tools. I soon discovered their deep, transformative spiritual properties.

From that point on I began to combine my intuitive healing work with essential oils developing an Anointing technique that would lead my clients home to themselves, home to their hearts and their essential nature. My intention was to bring my clients to their own intuitive voice rather than having them rely on mine. Soon after I was led to a sacred site in Hawaii, where I was further awakened to my calling. I began to have visions of an Emerald Temple, representing both a physical site as well as an energetic center in the heart. I have now created the Emerald Temple to teach anointing techniques and offer holy oils that are of the highest frequencies and vibrations.

Today, I am the founder of the Emerald Temple anointing technique used for healing, consecration and celebration, blessings, rites of passage, and end of life sacraments. My line of anointing oils are used all over the world for both individuals and professionals. In Penngrove, California I run my private intuitive counseling and Anointing practice, and teach the Scent Priestess anointing training program.

In all that I do, I acknowledge love as the most sacred force in the universe. I dedicate myself and my work to the service of that love.

Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years.

She is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, the founder of the Priestess Presence Mystery School + Temple which serves a sisterhood of over 100,000 women around the world. Elayne initiates, trains and ordains women into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may step into the social role and function of the Modern Day Priestess.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director – finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

In 1997 Elayne Kalila came to the USA to study at CIIS where she received her graduate degree in counseling psychology and drama therapy. This began many years of working as expressive arts therapist with a speciality in working with women – in recovery from severe trauma, sexual abuse, substance abuse, and survivors of war and genocide.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director -finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

Elsa Alegria Perez Dean

Elsa Alegria is an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is also the temple keeper of The Radiant Heart Sanctuary, offering women spiritual guidance and ceremony as a sacred feminine wisdom keeper.

Elsa Alegria is passionate about empowering women to live their most authentic lives. She is a priestess who reconnects women to their inner wisdom so they may align to their heart’s compass and reclaim their expression, power, and joy.

After 20 years, in corporate interior design, Elsa Alegria answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She obtained a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa Alegria’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to other’s lives.

She continues to serve in devotion within Priestess Presence as a Focalizer within Quintessia, an original member of the Hive Council, and Senior Mentor of the Ritual Temple Guide Training program.

Learn more about Elsa Alegria at

Flora Ware

Flora Ware is a Ceremonialist, Song Priestess, and queer witch. She is the founder of EarthSong Temple where she serves a global community through ceremony, singing circles, and earth magic. As a Vocal Coach, she helps people heal their throat chakras and liberate their voices, and mentors ceremonial leaders to confidently use chants, mantras, and music to elevate their events.

Flora has had a lifelong love affair with the voice, resulting in a lifelong dedication to honing her own. She has a career background in professional music and theater, marketing, and business. Flora believes that our voices are magical instruments for healing and manifestation, and loves nothing more than helping people express their medicine and magic.

Her pagan chants and witchy songs are available online everywhere digital music is streamed and sold. Flora is a certified Temple Guide through the Priestess Presence School of the Sacred Arts.

In addition to moon rituals and deep conversations with her soul sisters, Flora loves hiking, swimming, dancing, singing, and eating anything covered in pesto! She lives in Vernon, BC, Canada with her family. You can visit her online at

Jacquie Eva Shenton

Jacquie Eva Rose Shenton is the Program Manager and Faculty Member of Rosa Mystica Mystery School & Avalon Remembered.

She has spent the last 18 years growing, healing, and developing herself in the field of Holistic Medicine with a broad understanding of Bodywork for trauma release, Reiki, Jungian Theory, Shamanic practices, Art & Dance as Therapy, Divine Feminine Embodiment practices, meditation and how the mind creates & constructs our reality.

Jacquie radiates Muse, Priestess, and Alchemical Goddess energy and has a very big heart. She is a good listener and guide. A highly intuitive and creative awakening midwife who loves supporting women to step into and own their personal power.

Her strongest gifts are transforming poison into medicine, the ability to deep dive into the realms of unconsciousness to bring back the gems buried there, and holding space for others to do the same.

A lover of good soulful music, you will often also find her dancing around her kitchen whilst creating glorious food for her family or in nature with her beloved fur companions.

Rebecca Cavender

Rebecca is an Ordained Priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School, Certified Scent Priestess with the Emerald Temple, and founder/steward of Golden Snake Temple.

She holds powerful snake medicine, rooted in primordial wisdom, initiating people into these mysteries as a faculty in the Quintessia Mystery School and Golden Snake Temple.

She’s a catalyst, supporting you to embody your authentic, wild sensitivity—whether in your business or personal life—through spirit journeys/medicine rooted in her ancestry and priestess lineages.

She’s taught 2k+ people (in-person/online) the art of intuitive writing, copywriting, and more.

For the past decade, Rebecca has been devoted to the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple as faculty, oracle, copywriter, and founding member of the Hive Council.

She’s also an international, best-selling author and in 2024, launched Snake Priestess Podcast.

Rebecca weaves the power of her diverse lineages, opening you to yours: Golden Snake, völva, tantra (Certified Practitioner—Red Lotus Temple), and ancestral (Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, English, Irish, Scottish).

Proudly autistic, she lives on the edge of the Salish Sea upon a small island in British Columbia.

Perhaps you’ll find her at low tide, nestled in a private cove, communing with land and ancestors—staff in hand, song in throat.

Catalina Rivera Dois

Catalina Rivera Dois is an ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School and Keeper of Our Blood Mysteries Temple: a sacred space dedicated to the rebirthing of our womb mysteries into modern-day life. She is an emissary of Mother’s Love through simple heart/womb knowing, magic, and fun. Catalina is also an eco-ceremonialist, a Feminine Mysteries mentor, a Reiki Master teacher/therapist, a registered nurse, a mermaid, and a loving mother of two. She is passionate about empowering women to reconnect with their innate magic, Mama Earth, and the waters of Life.

FB: Fascinating Feminine Flow 
Instagram: @catalinariveradois

Diana DuBrow

In 1990 I had a dream that changed the course of my life. Until this time I had worked as an intuitive consultant, and aromatherapist leading Dancing with the Goddess women’s groups and dolphin swims. Then I had a remarkable, lucid dream in which I was taken to an ancient temple and initiated as a priestess. I was told “May the priestess remember, and may she call her daughters home.”

After this dream I studied healing traditions and cross cultural spiritual practices, ancient goddess initiations and ancient priestess ceremonies and healing practices. This is when I came upon the use of essential oils as more than medicinal tools. I soon discovered their deep, transformative spiritual properties.

From that point on I began to combine my intuitive healing work with essential oils developing an Anointing technique that would lead my clients home to themselves, home to their hearts and their essential nature. My intention was to bring my clients to their own intuitive voice rather than having them rely on mine. Soon after I was led to a sacred site in Hawaii, where I was further awakened to my calling. I began to have visions of an Emerald Temple, representing both a physical site as well as an energetic center in the heart. I have now created the Emerald Temple to teach anointing techniques and offer holy oils that are of the highest frequencies and vibrations.

Today, I am the founder of the Emerald Temple anointing technique used for healing, consecration and celebration, blessings, rites of passage, and end of life sacraments. My line of anointing oils are used all over the world for both individuals and professionals. In Penngrove, California I run my private intuitive counseling and Anointing practice, and teach the Scent Priestess anointing training program.

In all that I do, I acknowledge love as the most sacred force in the universe. I dedicate myself and my work to the service of that love.


Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years.

She is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, the founder of the Priestess Presence Mystery School + Temple which serves a sisterhood of over 100,000 women around the world. Elayne initiates, trains and ordains women into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may step into the social role and function of the Modern Day Priestess.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director – finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

In 1997 Elayne Kalila came to the USA to study at CIIS where she received her graduate degree in counseling psychology and drama therapy. This began many years of working as expressive arts therapist with a speciality in working with women – in recovery from severe trauma, sexual abuse, substance abuse, and survivors of war and genocide.


Elsa Alegria Perez Dean

Elsa Alegria is an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is also the temple keeper of The Radiant Heart Sanctuary, offering women spiritual guidance and ceremony as a sacred feminine wisdom keeper.

Elsa Alegria is passionate about empowering women to live their most authentic lives. She is a priestess who reconnects women to their inner wisdom so they may align to their heart’s compass and reclaim their expression, power, and joy.

After 20 years, in corporate interior design, Elsa Alegria answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She obtained a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa Alegria’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to other’s lives.

She continues to serve in devotion within Priestess Presence as a Focalizer within Quintessia, an original member of the Hive Council, and Senior Mentor of the Ritual Temple Guide Training program.

Learn more about Elsa Alegria at


Flora Ware

Flora Ware is a Ceremonialist, Song Priestess, and queer witch. She is the founder of EarthSong Temple where she serves a global community through ceremony, singing circles, and earth magic. As a Vocal Coach, she helps people heal their throat chakras and liberate their voices, and mentors ceremonial leaders to confidently use chants, mantras, and music to elevate their events.

Flora has had a lifelong love affair with the voice, resulting in a lifelong dedication to honing her own. She has a career background in professional music and theater, marketing, and business. Flora believes that our voices are magical instruments for healing and manifestation, and loves nothing more than helping people express their medicine and magic.

Her pagan chants and witchy songs are available online everywhere digital music is streamed and sold. Flora is a certified Temple Guide through the Priestess Presence School of the Sacred Arts.

In addition to moon rituals and deep conversations with her soul sisters, Flora loves hiking, swimming, dancing, singing, and eating anything covered in pesto! She lives in Vernon, BC, Canada with her family.


Jacquie Eva Shenton

She has spent the last 18 years growing, healing, and developing herself in the field of Holistic Medicine with a broad understanding of Bodywork for trauma release, Reiki, Jungian Theory, Shamanic practices, Art & Dance as Therapy, Divine Feminine Embodiment practices, meditation and how the mind creates & constructs our reality.

Jacquie radiates Muse, Priestess, and Alchemical Goddess energy and has a very big heart. She is a good listener and guide. A highly intuitive and creative awakening midwife who loves supporting women to step into and own their power.

Her strongest gifts are transforming poison into medicine, the ability to deep dive into the realms of unconsciousness to bring back the gems buried there, and holding space for others to do the same.

A lover of good soulful music, you will often also find her dancing around her kitchen whilst creating glorious food for her family or in nature with her beloved fur companions.


Rebecca Cavender

Rebecca is an Ordained Priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School, Certified Scent Priestess with the Emerald Temple, and founder/steward of Golden Snake Temple.

She holds powerful snake medicine, rooted in primordial wisdom, initiating people into these mysteries as a faculty in the Quintessia Mystery School and Golden Snake Temple.

She’s a catalyst, supporting you to embody your authentic, wild sensitivity—whether in your business or personal life—through spirit journeys/medicine rooted in her ancestry and priestess lineages.

She’s taught 2k+ people (in-person/online) the art of intuitive writing, copywriting, and more.

For the past decade, Rebecca has been devoted to the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple as faculty, oracle, copywriter, and founding member of the Hive Council.

She’s also an international, best-selling author and in 2024, launched Snake Priestess Podcast.

Rebecca weaves the power of her diverse lineages, opening you to yours: Golden Snake, völva, tantra (Certified Practitioner—Red Lotus Temple), and ancestral (Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, English, Irish, Scottish).

Proudly autistic, she lives on the edge of the Salish Sea upon a small island in British Columbia.

Perhaps you’ll find her at low tide, nestled in a private cove, communing with land and ancestors—staff in hand, song in throat.

Instagram: @rebecca.a.cavender

Quintessia Mentors

Amanda Starshine

Amanda Starshine is and apprenticing focalizer and priestess of the 13 moon mystery school. She is a medium, mystic and practicing medicine woman. Starshine works in the mundane world of western medicine and the world beyond the veils. She is a blend of science and magic and can bridge the gap between those two worlds. As a certified flower essence practitioner, crystal alchemist, aromatherapist and scent priestess she works with closely with mother earth’s plants and crystal allies.

Creator of Instar Arts Starshine runs her own programs in reawakening extrasensory gifts, programs in divination and a dance troupe that is allows others to be creative in both form and formlessness. She is very familiar with creating a safe environment that allows for personal expression and creativity which leads people to discover their authentic voice.

My deepest desire is hold and witness you along your own individual journey to re-member your past and alchemize your journey. I want to help you catalyze your own journey back to you and connection with your body, spirit and mind. I am overjoyed to be on this path along side you!

Education includes: Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Certified Alchemist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Dance Instructor, mother of 2 Leo boys ☺
insta: shewalkswithstars

Astara Ashley

Transpersonal Psychotherapist and book designer turned accomplished Creative Director within the realms of a larger international publishing house. In my tenure, I realized how the voices of womxn were far too sparse and the barrier to releasing your message into the world was too complicated for any modern goddess with an enriching and healing story to share. I wanted to be an author advocate and uplift the voices of womxn. I knew I needed to create a container where they could be fully supported while writing their groundbreaking manuscripts and developing their body of work—whatever that might look like!

I now spend my days supporting writers, like yourself, to birth their stories, market their books, and become bestselling authors who are seen as experts in their field. In my spare time, you’ll find me writing, making art, and walking on the beach in Connecticut with my writer-husband and our 3 multi-passionate daughters, or playing cards with my elderly parents down the street. I am a seeker who loves exploring life’s mysteries, especially through the Creative Arts, ceremonial plant medicine, and Sacred Travel.

As a Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School, The Rose Mystica Mystery School, and a Spiritual Mentor, I am devoted to walking the path of the open heart and supporting womxn to embody their sovereignty, elevate their consciousness, and breakthrough any internal barriers… to a level of presence, passion, and power they never dreamed possible.

Dianne Chalifour

Dianne is the owner of Earth Harmony Wellness center in the New Hampshire seacoast, born through her passionate calling in assisting to bridge the disconnect within structures that hold us in a model of separation, to a more expansive, cohesive model that is calling us forward into a new way of being together in harmony in the world. She serves as a type of midwife for her clients to reach deep into their own inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life that is waiting for them.

Dianne is a gifted transformational and intuitive guide offering many tools from her over 30 years of study and personal experience within the healing arts. She is passionate and dedicated to her purpose of helping humanity by offering tools and services to assist in the awakening, connection, and shifting of our human evolutionary process of living a soul-inspired life. Clearing and healing the energy body is the gateway that she uses to guide others to a clearer, deeper level of themselves, releasing what apparently stands in the way of wholeness. During a private session, one is held in a safe, high vibratory field of healing energy. As well as her own intentions and spiritual skills, Dianne may incorporate sound healing vibration, holy anointing oils, and the mineral kingdom, as well as an intuitive council in her sessions.

Dianne is an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek, and a clear channel for Divine Feminine wisdom providing a powerful path of consciousness connection. As an initiate on the Priestess path of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, she has vowed to continue to show up aligned with love and Divine connection. She offers various ceremonies which deepen our Divine connection and honor Rites of Passage. She serves as a mentor in the Temple Guide Training program through Priestess Presence. She is a certified Level 5 practitioner, as well as a workshop facilitator for The Melchizedek Method of holographic healing and a certified Usui Reiki Master.

Dianne has studied and learned much in the area of natural and holistic healing, from working as a Chiropractic assistant and learning about the body’s innate healing wisdom, to herbal apprenticeships, essential oils, shadow work, consciousness studies, various forms of energy healing, and more. She has a deep passion for humanity’s evolution and transformation to a more peaceful and whole world. She is a compassionate and nurturing healer with the ability to hold space for transformation, trauma sensitivity, and healing to take place. Through her own journey into deeper surrender and courage of her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her. She is co-author of the 2019 release of Amazon#1 best seller “Sacred Body Wisdom. Igniting The Flame of Our Divine Humanity”. As well as her passionate engagement in her work, Dianne enjoys spending time with her husband, three children, cat and her love of nature and quiet peaceful reflection time. Dianne is a Transformational Guide/Energy Practitioner/Priestess co-author Amazon best sellers by Flower of Life Press “Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity” “Sacred Reunion: Love Poems to The Masculine & Feminine, an Anthology” “Voices of the Avalonian Priestesses: Hearing the Call of Essence”

Elizabeth Brett

Elizabeth is a Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School, a Scent Priestess in Rosa Mystica and a spiritual guide on a mission to help women remember the wisdom they carry within and awaken their soul voice. She is the founder of the Soul Voice Temple in Austin, TX where she holds intimate in-person temples and offers 1:1 training. She believes in the power of sacred storytelling and shares her journey through story in many forms.

For the last three years {and lifetimes, really} she has been on an inward journey through Enter the Mystery that has revolutionized the way she lives, the way she parents and her relationship with herself. Stepping onto the priestess path has brought her into deep remembrance, and finding her soul voice has been her great awakening. As a mentor, she is here to help other women return to themselves, remember their innate wisdom and honor their soul voice.

She has a strong connection to her motherline, reconnecting her to her Norse lineage including Danes and Danish Vikings. She also feels deeply drawn to her father’s lineage reconnecting her to the coast of England and Scotland. She believes that mothering and marriage are two of the most sacred spiritual paths and that her 6 year-old daughter and 8 year-old son are two of her greatest teachers.

She is the Temple Keeper of Lavender Oil in her Scent Prietessing, where she practices archetypal anointing as a way to reconnect to your body as a sacred being. She is a Certified Temple Guide who practices embodied divinity, guides sacred meditation, and holds sacred space for women to gather monthly to explore their soul voice through the 13 Moon archetypes. Learn more at

Elsa Alegria Perez Dean

Elsa Alegria is an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is also the temple keeper of The Radiant Heart Sanctuary, offering women spiritual guidance and ceremony as a sacred feminine wisdom keeper.

Elsa Alegria is passionate about empowering women to live their most authentic lives. She is a priestess who reconnects women to their inner wisdom so they may align to their heart’s compass and reclaim their expression, power, and joy.

After 20 years, in corporate interior design, Elsa Alegria answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She obtained a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa Alegria’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to other’s lives.

She continues to serve in devotion within Priestess Presence as a Focalizer within Quintessia, an original member of the Hive Council, and Senior Mentor of the Ritual Temple Guide Training program.

Learn more about Elsa Alegria at

Kirsty Jandrell

Leadership Style: Her primary leadership style that of the Estastic– as she
embraces all things of beauty and joy in connection with the Divine. She also welcomes her Edgewalker archetype which has been calling from the sidelines for a while now. In order to affect positive change for humanity she is not
afraid to ‘push the envelope!’ She is a Lady of Communion, and a Red Maven.

Kirsty is a ceremonial priestess, speaker, trainer, author, transformational coach and Angel healer & teacher, certified Kundalini Yoga instructor of some 20 years, Akashic record facilitator & healer, successful business owner & founder of several ethical
recruitment companies.

She has strong links to the Celtic, Avalonian, and Druidic ancestry of the British Isles, and also has a strong connection to the Hindu Pantheon. One of her primary aims is to assist in rebirthing the balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies to our Earth, through healing, embodiment practices, and priestessing!

She is trained in the 13 Moon Mystery School as a ceremonial priestess and also has studied in Enter the Mystery and Rosa Mystica. Her path embraces the mystical and the mundane and how to marry the two, to bring about the changes necessary for us to ascend to the 5D frequencies which are now available to us along our path of ascension.

She is dedicated to walking the path of LOVE and in helping to guide and support souls who have newly awoken to their divinity and magnificence.
She is a channel, guide and facilitator of multiple modalities to help beautiful souls around the world get clear on what their true dream life is and guide them into actually creating it and living it.

As Kirsty has gotten her ethical recruitment company on autopilot, she is now blessed to be living in soul alignment yet again by dedicating herself to her spiritual calling. She is not new to life challenges and experienced two initiations leading her to create this new work in the world. One was becoming a first-time mom at 46, then losing both her Mum and Step Dad in their sudden transition a year later. These served as a wakeup call, leading her to finally answer the call and fully step into following her heart, her passion and her North Star, and help others to do the same.

An original free spirit and flower fairy child, she can be found living and playing with her beloved husband and daughter in the rural hills of Wales, alongside their fur babies, Shanti & Iggy, the Shelties and George, the tolerant tabby cat!

Connect with Kirsty at

Lettie Sullivan

Lettie Sullivan is a Priestess of the Sacred Arts and the Creatrix of the Goddess Ministry, whose mission is to anchor energetic activism centered in Love, Divine Feminine wisdom, metaphysical principles and cosmic time cycles. Lettie is also an inspirational speaker, a professional organizer, a life coach, and a bestselling author.

Lettie is a senior priestess and mentor in Priestess Presence, and has been leading Eclipsing Injustice, a series of ritual events to heal ancestral trauma and amplify love.

You can find her online:

Michelle Long

Michelle Long, MA, is the founder of The Practice® for Women, a sacred business that supports women as they step more into their truth and claim the life they desire. Michelle has been a teacher of feminine spirituality, yoga, and women’s leadership since 2002. She has a master’s degree in Holistic Health Education, is a certified Women’s Wholeness Coach, and owned and managed a women’s yoga and healing center for ten years. Michelle has served thousands of women over the past decade through her transformational programs both online and in person. She now owns and runs a temple space for women near Portland,Oregon.

Michelle has been deepening within the 13 Moon Mystery School since 2015, and is now on the path of Apprenticing Focalizer. She attributes much of her inspiration and education to the wisdom and initiations she has received through the Mystery School. Her dream is to continue to bring the beauty and knowledge of this lineage back to her local temple and community.

In addition to leading temples and supporting women, Michelle is a mom of two teenagers living a suburban life. She is on a mission to help every day women remember who they truly are, to find the courage to break old rules, and to live beyond the confines society tries to put us in. Her personal work has been to heal her feminine lineage and claim her gifts as a teacher, a soul midwife, and a modern day priestess.

Amanda Starshine

Starshine has always been a deep seeker of the truth, so she has turned to science, philosophy, religion, and old texts and found that the path to truth was through the heart and deep inner work. She puts this to practice as a mentor in ETM and Focalizer Apprentice.

She received her aromatherapy degree from the College of Health Sciences in 2000 and is a scent priestess and flower essence practitioner. She is also well-versed in perfumery studying in many different schools.

Starshine has a beautiful blend of understanding the esoteric practices of the oils and an extensive background in the medicinal uses.

Communing with the oils and the plants they are made from gives her a unique perspective on the individuality of each plant and its collective properties.

This helps her understand which oils want to be blended together energetically and which ones want to work with you.

She beautifully weaves science and mysticism together while adding the history and stories of long ago to back the principles.

Starshine has been working in circles since she was in her early 20s and more extensively since she moved to Portland in 2015. She loves bringing people together and the deep connection that can be obtained simply by looking into another’s eyes while having an open heart.

As a temple guide, she loves to support women on the journey back to who they really are on the path back to the truth of self.


Astara Ashley

As CEO and Publisher of Flower of Life Press, a boutique, full-service publishing agency, Astara is deeply committed to supporting authors in unleashing their unique voices and achieving full self-expression via their books and oracle card decks. Her expertise is rooted in a rich blend of corporate publishing experience and a Master’s in Transpersonal Psychology and Art Therapy, alongside her spiritual journey as a Priestess in the 13 Moon and Rosa Mystica Mystery Schools. Her core mission is to elevate women’s stories and wisdom, providing a platform for them to share their sacred narratives.

Through Flower of Life Press, she offers a range of services, including the creation of single-author books, anthologies, oracle card decks, courses, and writing retreats—all aimed at fostering creativity, personal growth, and personal and societal transformation. Astara’s approach combines professional rigor with spiritual insight, ensuring that each author’s work resonates with authenticity and vibrancy.

As a mother of 3 grown daughters, she infuses her work with compassion and understanding, drawing on the sacred geometry of my logo—the Flower of Life—to guide her mission of interconnectedness and creative empowerment.


Dianne Chalifour

Dianne Chalifour is a passionate, transformational guide within the healing arts.

She is an ordained Priestess through the 13 Moon Mystery School, ordained in the Order of Melchizedek, and a certified Scent Priestess through the Rosa Mystica Mystery School. She is the owner of a wellness center/crystal shop on the New Hampshire seacoast born through her passionate calling to offer tools and services to assist in healing and elevating consciousness.

Dianne guides in-person temple circles and serves as a midwife for her clients to reach deep into their inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life waiting for them. Through her journey on her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her and being in service to the greater shift underway!


Elizabeth Brett

Elizabeth is a Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School, a Scent Priestess in Rosa Mystica and a spiritual guide on a mission to help women remember the wisdom they carry within and awaken their soul voice. She is the founder of the Soul Voice Temple in Austin, TX where she holds intimate in-person temples and offers 1:1 training. She believes in the power of sacred storytelling and shares her journey through story in many forms.

For the last three years {and lifetimes, really} she has been on an inward journey through Enter the Mystery that has revolutionized the way she lives, the way she parents and her relationship with herself. Stepping onto the priestess path has brought her into deep remembrance, and finding her soul voice has been her great awakening. As a mentor, she is here to help other women return to themselves, remember their innate wisdom and honor their soul voice.

She has a strong connection to her motherline, reconnecting her to her Norse lineage including Danes and Danish Vikings. She also feels deeply drawn to her father’s lineage reconnecting her to the coast of England and Scotland. She believes that mothering and marriage are two of the most sacred spiritual paths and that her 6 year-old daughter and 8 year-old son are two of her greatest teachers.

She is the Temple Keeper of Lavender Oil in her Scent Prietessing, where she practices archetypal anointing as a way to reconnect to your body as a sacred being. She is a Certified Temple Guide who practices embodied divinity, guides sacred meditation, and holds sacred space for women to gather monthly to explore their soul voice through the 13 Moon archetypes. Learn more at

Elsa Alegria Perez Dean

Elsa Alegria is an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is also the temple keeper of The Radiant Heart Sanctuary, offering women spiritual guidance and ceremony as a sacred feminine wisdom keeper.

Elsa Alegria is passionate about empowering women to live their most authentic lives. She is a priestess who reconnects women to their inner wisdom so they may align to their heart’s compass and reclaim their expression, power, and joy.

After 20 years, in corporate interior design, Elsa Alegria answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She obtained a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa Alegria’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to other’s lives.

She continues to serve in devotion within Priestess Presence as a Focalizer within Quintessia, an original member of the Hive Council, and Senior Mentor of the Ritual Temple Guide Training program.

Learn more about Elsa Alegria at


Kirsty Jandrell

Kirsty is a Temple Guide and Mentor in the Enter the Mystery School in Priestess Presence and also studying as a Certified Scent Priestess in the Rosa Mystica Mystery School.

She’s a transformational life coach, Angel healer ® & teacher, Kundalini Yoga instructor of 20+ years, Akashic record practitioner, successful business owner, founder of several ethical recruitment companies, and busy mom.

She bows to my Celtic, Avalonian, and Druidic ancestry of the British Isles, and her strong connection to the Hindu Pantheon.

Kirsty is passionate about guiding beautiful souls to remember their Divinity and magnificence through alignment with their Higher Self as sovereign co-creators of the beautiful New Earth!

She believes that joy is everyone’s birthright, and aims to support others in connecting to theirs, through deep alchemy.

She’s dedicated to the ascension process and to assisting in the rebirth of the balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies on our Earth … and walking the path of LOVE and helping guide, love, and support souls wherever they are in their path.


Lettie Sullivan

Lettie Sullivan is a Professional Organizer, International Speaker & Life Coach, Bestselling Author and Priestess of the Sacred Arts.

A modern Mystic with 20+ years of mystical studies, practices, and initiations-as well as 18 years in private practice as a Professional Organizer and Life Coach-Lettie supports people in elevating their standard of living and facilitates sacred ceremonies and rites of passage for those who identify as spiritual but not religious.

Instagram: @LettingGoWithLettie
Instagram: @GoddessGalaxy

Michelle Long

Michelle Long, MA, is the founder of The Practice® for Women, a sacred business that supports women as they step more into their truth and claim the life they desire. Michelle has been a teacher of feminine spirituality, yoga, and women’s leadership since 2002. She has a master’s degree in Holistic Health Education, is a certified Women’s Wholeness Coach, and owned and managed a women’s yoga and healing center for ten years. Michelle has served thousands of women over the past decade through her transformational programs both online and in person. She now owns and runs a temple space for women near Portland,Oregon.

Michelle has been deepening within the 13 Moon Mystery School since 2015, and is now on the path of Apprenticing Focalizer. She attributes much of her inspiration and education to the wisdom and initiations she has received through the Mystery School. Her dream is to continue to bring the beauty and knowledge of this lineage back to her local temple and community.

In addition to leading temples and supporting women, Michelle is a mom of two teenagers living a suburban life. She is on a mission to help every day women remember who they truly are, to find the courage to break old rules, and to live beyond the confines society tries to put us in. Her personal work has been to heal her feminine lineage and claim her gifts as a teacher, a soul midwife, and a modern day priestess.

Rosa Mystica Mentors

Carmen Hole

Carmen creates safe and sacred spaces to hold people through significant life transitions with her deep nurturing and holding and has been walking the path of the Priestess within the Priestess Presence Temple since 2019.

A ceremonial Priestess and Sacred Passage Guide, she is a powerful awakener and catalyzer, leading women to connect to their bodies via dance and tantric embodiment practices as they transition through trauma and difficult times.  In  recent years she has had the deep honor of walking alongside those transitioning from this life into the next as Death Doula, in particular, has been caring for her elderly parents as they transition.

A lunar Hedgewitch who lives next to the sea on the Isle of Wight in the UK with her youngest son and her mother, Carmen can often be found dancing under the moonlight, practicing spellwork and magick or making herbal remedies in her home apothecary.

You can reach Carmen at

Connie Viglietti

Connie Viglietti uses her creativity and power of presence to hold sacred space from which transformation and growth inspire all who work with her. Connie is an intuitive healer (Scent Priestess, Reiki Master + Thai Yoga Massage) and sacred container creatrix with an extensive background in yoga and meditation, birth work, and wellness coaching. Her previous work with Emaya and the Back to HER™ online program creatively mentored hundreds of women worldwide, connecting women with their purpose and voice using community, yoga, meditation, and coaching. Guiding women to their inner wisdom and remembrance and watching them rise is what thrills her journey.

Connie holds monthly women’s circles and workshops both in person (Montclair, NJ) and virtually, runs retreats, and offers trainings. She offers private intuitive healing (anointing, reiki and Thai yoga massage), and wellness coaching sessions.

Connie lives in Montclair NJ and loves the ocean, performing, and spending time with her big Italian family, especially her husband, 2 children, and dog.

Learn more at

Dee Holden

Dee is entering her fourth year in Rosa Mystica and in the beginning the second year of her three year apprenticeship this year.

She is Temple Keeper of Elemi on the Rosa Mystica Path. It chose her well, as Elemi helps increase one’s ability to walk in and bridge both worlds, the 3d and 5d. Elemi is keeper of the Mystical Dreamtime and Dee is a Priestess of deep dreaming.

Dee is a Life/Soul Coach, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Family Herbalist, Bodyworker, Raindrop Aromatherapy Practitioner, Plant Spirit Healing Practitioner & Educator, Reiki Practitioner and Certified Integral Hatha/Kundalini Yoga Instructor (since 2000). She has also been facilitating Yoga and holding circle space in a Drug and Alcohol Recovery Centre for the last eight years. One of Dee’s greatest joys is guiding/holding space in groups and circles.

She is a Plant Spirit Healing Practitioner and Educator since the beginning of time as well as on paper in 2010. In love with the Earth Mother she co-creates in relationship, making healing allies with Plants/Trees & Nature; Fireweed, Nettle, Wood, Pine, Meadow.

She offers individual as well as group healing and mentorship sessions via distance and in person including sister circles and an 8 moon herbalism/plant communication mentorship. All of which celebrate our inherent connection with Nature and Spirit, the vital spark that gives life, calling us joyfully back home:)

Dee lives in unceded Traditional Ktunaxa Territory in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of British Columbia Canada near Cranbrook with her partner of many years, Woody. She is blessed to be an honorary Aunty to many young people as well as her furbaby Ross. Dee is of Celtic and Ukranian Ancestry.

You can reach here at:

Easula Sedlmaier

Easula is a Transformational Coach with 30 years of practice and a Quantum Shamanic Teacher with a global reach. She is an internationally published author and is certified as an Intentional Creativity Coach.

With her background in psychology and the creative arts, Easula brings her clients beyond the
mental realm and into the dance between mind and feeling, leading them to a deeper knowing of
themselves and a higher frequency of existence. She intuitively holds her clients in unconditional
love as they navigate their life issues in a safe, non-judgmental space and she is a sacred retreat

Easula’s shamanic tools allow her to lead her clients wherever they need to go in order to find healing, stability, and inner alignment. She guides her clients into the depths of their darkness and
into their brightest radiance.

Easula was born in the United States, fell in love with Europe, and currently resides in Munich,
Germany with her family. She is fluent in German and English and works with clients all over the

Julianna Munthu

Julianna began her journey with the 13 Moon mystery school in 2010, becoming an ordained priestess in 2014.

During this journey, Diana Dubrow of the Emerald temple and the holy art of anointing captured her heart. Since 2012, Julianna has the great honor and privilege of working alongside Diana as a senior anointer and since 2013 she humbly and lovingly serves in 13 Moon & Emerald Temple in-person retreats.

Her desire and commitment to calling all the pieces home, for herself and the collective, continually evolves. As temple keeper for the oil Dragons Blood, Julianna unites with its gifts as an ally in the healing of wounds both physical and spiritual. And in her work with others, it lends courage as one moves beyond appearances and is transported into other states of consciousness.

The Sophia Magdalena archetype most expressed in Julianna’s life is Death Maiden. She is a Wise Watch Tower Woman, a Way Shower, and a lantern, a sacred pagoda radiating the Light of the Eternal Flame. Accompanying her parents in their journey across the threshold, while maintaining familial harmony for more than 10 years of dementia care for both parents, remains one of her most empowering and greatest honors.

While also being firmly rooted in her love of mechanical things, Julianna worked as an aircraft mechanic and home repair goddess for many years. She currently serves the collective as a spirit counselor, supporting sensitive souls, typically in times of transition to find empowerment, validation, and healing peace. One of her greatest joys is powering others to connect with their own inner guidance system through teaching the shamanic journey.

As an oracle, she utilizes the Cards of AN, hailing from the new earth energies, offering a window polishing for clearer seeing of the way ahead. She is a seeker who loves exploring life’s mysteries especially through relationship, sacred travel and ritual, ceremonial plant medicine and stillness. Julianna also enjoys helping people organize and beautify their spaces, both internally and externally, for greater ease and flow.

In her spare time you will find Julianna writing, organizing something for sure, deepening and ritualizing with various oracle cards, preparing nourishing food, deepening in the mystery, walking with human friends and her delightful companion Sukha, and of course, sleeping!

You can learn more about Julianna at

Juli Ford

Juli has been deeply fascinated by the Magdalene since she was a young child and is devoted to walking the Way of Love. Since 2008, she has been a coach in devotion to deep spiritual study and practice. In 2011, she had the great privilege of caring for her father through his illness and accompanying him on his journey across the threshold, and it profoundly transformed her understanding of herself as a priestess and soul guide. She has been a member of the Priestess Presence Temple since 2018, where she has participated in Answering the Call, Essence Circle, Temple Guide Training, and the Rosa Mystica Mystery School.

Juli is a Sacred Temple Guide, a Holistic Health Coach, and a songwriter. She is the founder and temple keeper of the Moonwilde Temple of the Rose in her hometown of Pembroke, Massachusetts where she holds monthly temple gatherings both in person and virtually. She has co-led an annual Samhain retreat for women in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom for over ten years. She is a mom to two college students who she happily home schooled for more than 10 years and is married to her love of more than 20 years. When she is not holding retreats and temple circles or studying Scent Priestessing, Juli is a Life Transitions Realtor and Certified Senior Advisor, supporting women and older adults in envisioning their next steps and helping them navigate major life transitions with compassion and love.

You can connect with her here:

Kalibri Wood

Kalibri is an intuitive gardener, alchemical artist and passionate earth guardian committed to reconnecting ourselves to feminine mysteries through regenerating our relationship to the natural world.

Training as a conservation biologist and 15 years of tending organic gardens fostered a deep relationship & love for the earth. She has extensive experience in various healing arts including an initiation as a Mesa Carrier and Conscious Dance facilitation. Her passion is growing herbal aromatics & flowering shrubs in addition to engaging in ritual and Priestess arts. She dreams of growing gardens of sacred beauty that host transformational circles honoring the feminine mysteries through rituals that pollinate heaven on earth.

Kalibri is entering her third year of Rosa Mystica as Temple Keeper of Cedarwood. She lives on the unceded territory of the Ktunaxa and Sinixt people in British Columbia. Her home is on a 15-acre homestead with her loving husband, dog and cat. You can often find her alchemizing and creating in her home studio.

Katie Nadeau

Katie Ama Rose (known within the temple as Ama), is a professional space holder, guide, and steward of the Divine Feminine Mysteries living in the north east USA. She supports women in their remembrance of who they truly are, coming home to their hearts and co-creating lives from this space.

A 4th Year initiate of Rosa Mystica, Ama facilitates embodied remembrance and transformation through 1-on-1 mentorship, ceremonies, workshops, retreats and the Temple of Remembrance Mystery School. She has walked a path of deep spiritual practice and devotion since a young age, eagerly following the threads Spirit has woven for her. She enjoys uncovering the magic in the mundane and attuning to the sacred essence of life. Her happy place is among the embrace of tall trees and rolling mountains.

Ama is devoted to the Way of Love and is here to hold and love others through their remembrance of wholeness and our collective co-creation of heaven on earth.You can connect with her here:

Lumina Hasenyager

Born Jennifer Leigh Hasenyager, Lumina holds a blend of blood lineages. On her Mother’s side she carries the Ashkenazi Jewish line; on her father’s side, Celtic and Germanic. She walks with Myrraphore scent priestess and Avalonian lineages both etherically and through her bloodlines. She continues to explore and awaken the tapestry of holy lineages she carries.

Lumina’s career path in the 3D world has taken a few turns. She began as an academic eye surgeon/research scientist/professor. She quit, got an MBA, apprenticed with a therapist, and became a Certified Counselor of the Gifted and Registered Corporate Coach. After 12 years as an Executive Coach, Lumina returned to medical practice in Functional Medicine and then worked as an executive in a Natural Health Company.

Lumina is Temple Keeper of Vetiver, whose holy name is Releaser of Fear. Initially perplexed to be chosen by a seemingly humble grass (instead of an intoxicating flower), Lumina has deepened into a loving relationship with this profound teacher and ally. Vetiver connects Lumina to the grounding safety of the trees, to the molten power of the Magma Dragon, and to the comforting womb of Mama Gaia the Great Mother. Vetiver supports Lumina, a deeply sensitive empath who feels most at home up in the stars, to walk in the 3D world as an embodied emissary of light.

A 13 Moons Mystery School Initiate and Certified Scent Priestess, Lumina is a lifelong teacher and mentor and is honored to have the opportunity to mentor a circle in the Rosa Mystica program.

You can connect with her here:

Lisa Kiehn

Lisa Kiehn is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, and has worked as a bodywork therapist for over 20 years. She served as a women’s health advocate, midwife’s assistant, and child advocate. She is a Reiki with Angel’s – intuitive healer, and teacher’s assistant.

Lisa has walked the path of the Priestess since 2001. She is currently an apprentice within the Rosa Mystica Mystery school and is devoted to walking the path of service and Love. Temple Keeper of Lavender, she holds the Violet Flame.

She can be reached at:

Nancy Jackson

Nancy is a second year Priestess of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School and founder of Authentic and Aligned where she utilizes her Frequency Of You™ Framework to inspire soul-led women (and
some men) who feel unseen to own their inherent gifts, speak their authentic truth, heal their wounds, and have unshakeable trust so they can create expansive lives and businesses as embodied and emboldened leaders.

She offers private 1:1 sessions, group programs, workshops, community, women’s circles, and teaches an academy.

Credentials include: Certified Transformation Coach, Human Design & Gene Keys Specialist, Mental Health Specialist, Mindfulness Practitioner, Holy Fire®III Karuna Reiki®
Master/Teacher, Energy Healing Practitioner



Rima Bonario

Dr. Rima Bonario is a Dream Weaver, Soul-Coach and Wild-Heart Healer with 30 years on the path of conscious evolution. She is a respected thought leader, speaker and teacher for women seeking to stand in their personal power while remaining open hearted and connected.

Rima is passionate about helping women experience personal wholeness, relationship harmony, and material abundance in their lives. She specializes in the arena of personal sovereignty and the challenge many women face in maintaining a healthy balance between caring for others and caring for themselves.

Rima holds doctorate in Transformational Psychology and has studied with master teachers in body-based energy work, Trauma First Aide and other body-based trauma informed practices, the Tantric Art of Sacred Sexuality. Rima is the co-founder of The Art of Quantum Living LLC, which trains and certifies people in the 21-day shadow work practice called The Quantum Living Process.

Rima’s best-selling book, “The Seven Queendoms: A Soul-Map for Embodying Sacred Feminine Sovereignty” explains how women can use the energy, majesty, and noble nature of the Queen archetype to consciously create a life they love.

Her coaching, workshops, online courses, sacred travel journeys use the transcendent power of myth and archetype, ritual and ceremony, and Soul/shadow work to help her students cut through energetic clutter, dissolve emotional baggage, and form wildly fulfilling habits of attention.

Rima has been leading sacred travel to Egypt since 2017 where she became acquainted with the Temple Art of Anointing. Inspired by her travels, she founded the Sisterhood of Anointing Priestesses, where she explores the lost Temple Art of Anointing to reclaim feminine power.

She is a certified Priestess Presence Temple Guide, and has continued her studies with Elayne, Diana and Jacquie in Rosa Mystica and the Scent Priestess path for three years. This year she is honored to join the Apprentice Program and be a Mentor.

Sandra Weidman

Sandra is a Certified Temple Guide of Priestess Presence Temple, Returning Rosa Mystica Scent Priestess Initiate, Oracle Coach, and Psychic. She created “Woo Woo Wednesday” offering free Oracle readings for women in a sacred heart-felt space to be supported on her Reveal Your Radiance Facebook platform.

Sandra is passionate about reconnecting women to their heart consciousness and trusting inner gnosis that activates self-authority to embody their feminine power and reclaim their full authentic expression of self-love and sovereign power.

Over the past 2 years, she has discovered her lineage as a Cathar in the Languedoc mountains of Southern France. This validated her intuition as a child and her purpose to be deeply devoted as a Scent Priestess in service to love.

After a 32-year corporate career in oil and gas, she trusted a message from her spirit guides to cut the ties and take early retirement to deepen her spiritual walk. She stayed true to her calling despite outside opinions.

Sandra resides in The Woodlands, TX with her family enjoying the outdoors, biking, kayaking, and walking in nature with her dog. Many of her Oracle Coach clients are her former corporate colleagues who offered her a part-time consultant position.

You can connect with her here: Reveal Your Radiance FB Group and her YouTube Channel

Carmen Hole

Carmen creates safe and sacred spaces to hold people through significant life transitions with her deep nurturing and holding and has been walking the path of the Priestess within the Priestess Presence Temple since 2019.

A ceremonial Priestess and Sacred Passage Guide, she is a powerful awakener and catalyzer, leading women to connect to their bodies via dance and tantric embodiment practices as they transition through trauma and difficult times.  In  recent years she has had the deep honor of walking alongside those transitioning from this life into the next as Death Doula, in particular, has been caring for her elderly parents as they transition.

A lunar Hedgewitch who lives next to the sea on the Isle of Wight in the UK with her youngest son and her mother, Carmen can often be found dancing under the moonlight, practicing spellwork and magick or making herbal remedies in her home apothecary.

You can reach Carmen at

Connie Viglietti

Connie Viglietti uses her creativity and power of presence to hold sacred space from which transformation and growth inspire all who work with her.  Connie is an intuitive healer (Scent Priestess, Reiki Master + Thai Yoga Massage) and sacred container creatrix with an extensive background in yoga and meditation, birth work, and wellness coaching.  Her previous work with Emaya and the Back to HER™️ online program creatively mentored hundreds of women worldwide, connecting women with their purpose and voice using community, yoga, meditation, and coaching. Guiding women to their inner wisdom and remembrance and watching them rise is what thrills her journey.

Connie’s signature offering, Radiance Remembered: Your Journey to Healing and Wholeness is a personal 8-week healing experience that guides women into who they are becoming. Connie holds monthly women’s circles and workshops both in person (Montclair, NJ) and virtually, runs retreats, and offers trainings. She offers private intuitive healing (anointing, reiki, and Thai yoga massage), and wellness coaching sessions.

Connie lives in Montclair NJ and loves the ocean, performing, and spending time with her big Italian family, especially her husband, 2 children, and dog.

Instagram: @connie_viglietti

Dee Holden

Dee is a Certified Scent Priestess, Apprentice and the Temple Keeper of Elemi.

She’s also a certified Plant Spirit Healing Practitioner & Educator, Life/Soul Coach, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Family Herbalist, Bodyworker, Raindrop Aromatherapy Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Certified Yoga Instructor (since 2000) with many hours of training as well as sacred pilgrimages to Mother India.

Growing up in the inner city and spending most weekends thanks to her parents transported up north to the wild woods, she developed a life-saving connection to the sanity of the natural world.  She remains in love with the land.

She has been facilitating yoga and holding circle space in a Drug and Alcohol Recovery Centre for the last eight years.

She offers individual as well as group healing and mentorship sessions via distance and in-person, including sister circles and an 8-moon herbalism/plant communication mentorship in person and online.

Dee lives in unceded, traditional Ktunaxa Territory in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, Canada near Cranbrook, with her partner, Woody. She is blessed to be an honorary aunty to many young people as well as her fur-baby Ross. Dee is of Celtic and Ukranian Ancestry.


Dianne Chalifour

Dianne Chalifour is a passionate, transformational guide within the healing arts.

She is an ordained Priestess through the 13 Moon Mystery School, ordained in the Order of Melchizedek, and a certified Scent Priestess through the Rosa Mystica Mystery School. She is the owner of a wellness center/crystal shop on the New Hampshire seacoast born through her passionate calling to offer tools and services to assist in healing and elevating consciousness.

Dianne guides in-person temple circles and serves as a midwife for her clients to reach deep into their inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life waiting for them. Through her journey on her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her and being in service to the greater shift underway!


Easula Sedlmaier

Easula is a Transformational Coach with 30 years of practice and a Quantum Shamanic Teacher with a global reach. She is an internationally published author and is certified as an Intentional Creativity Coach.

With her background in psychology and the creative arts, Easula brings her clients beyond the mental realm and into the dance between mind and feeling, leading them to a deeper knowing of themselves and a higher frequency of existence. She intuitively holds her clients in unconditional love as they navigate their life issues in a safe, non-judgmental space and she is a sacred retreat holder.

Easula’s shamanic tools allow her to lead her clients wherever they need to go in order to find healing, stability, and inner alignment. She guides her clients into the depths of their darkness and into their brightest radiance.

Easula was born in the United States, fell in love with Europe, and currently resides in Munich, Germany with her family. She is fluent in German and English and works with clients all over the

Julianna Muthu

Julianna began her journey with the 13 Moon mystery school and is an ordained priestess. During this journey, Diana DuBrow of the Emerald Temple and the holy art of anointing captured her heart. Julianna has the great honor and privilege of working alongside Diana as a senior anointer and she humbly and lovingly serves in 13 Moon & Emerald Temples.

Julianna’s offering in the realm of medicine and magic is to support those to find their way to their next destination in their life. Those who are going through life transition and particularly people who have gone through the loss of divorce or losing their beloved.

She embodies a love that’s fully integrated in her, through the human journey of separation, loss, abandonment, neglect, and hurt. She intimately knows the illumined beauty that comes from a heart that has been through immense pain and chooses to come back to love again and again.

She believes you are not broken by your experience, but broken open – to more intimacy, connection, vulnerability, and humanity. Reclaiming the cycles of life, death, and rebirth empowers you to make clear choices about what is most important and precious to you, and what’s worthy of your time and energy.


Juli Ford

Juli has been deeply fascinated by the Magdalene since she was a young child and is devoted to walking the Way of Love. Since 2008, she has been a coach in devotion to deep spiritual study and practice. In 2011, she had the great privilege of caring for her father through his illness and accompanying him on his journey across the threshold, and it profoundly transformed her understanding of herself as a priestess and soul guide. She has been a member of the Priestess Presence Temple since 2018, where she has participated in Answering the Call, Essence Circle, Temple Guide Training, and the Rosa Mystica Mystery School.

Juli is a Sacred Temple Guide, a Holistic Health Coach, and a songwriter. She is the founder and temple keeper of the Moonwilde Temple of the Rose in her hometown of Pembroke, Massachusetts where she holds monthly temple gatherings both in person and virtually. She has co-led an annual Samhain retreat for women in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom for over ten years. She is a mom to two college students who she happily home schooled for more than 10 years and is married to her love of more than 20 years. When she is not holding retreats and temple circles or studying Scent Priestessing, Juli is a Life Transitions Realtor and Certified Senior Advisor, supporting women and older adults in envisioning their next steps and helping them navigate major life transitions with compassion and love.

You can connect with her here:

Kalibri Wood

Kalibri is an intuitive gardener, alchemical artist and passionate earth guardian committed to reconnecting ourselves to feminine mysteries through regenerating our relationship to the natural world.

Training as a conservation biologist and 15 years of tending organic gardens fostered a deep relationship & love for the earth. She has extensive experience in various healing arts including an initiation as a Mesa Carrier and Conscious Dance facilitation. Her passion is growing herbal aromatics & flowering shrubs in addition to engaging in ritual and Priestess arts. She dreams of growing gardens of sacred beauty that host transformational circles honoring the feminine mysteries through rituals that pollinate heaven on earth.

Kalibri is entering her third year of Rosa Mystica as Temple Keeper of Cedarwood. She lives on the unceded territory of the Ktunaxa and Sinixt people in British Columbia. Her home is on a 15-acre homestead with her loving husband, dog and cat. You can often find her alchemizing and creating in her home studio.

Katie Nadeau

Katie Ama Rose is a professional space holder, guide, and steward of the divine feminine mysteries, and lives in the northeast USA.

She supports women in their remembrance of who they truly are, coming home to their hearts and co-creating lives from this space. She is the Temple Keeper of lavender, the violet flame.

Ama facilitates embodied remembrance and transformation through 1-on-1 mentorship, ceremonies, workshops, retreats, and the Temple of Remembrance Mystery School.

She has walked a path of deep spiritual practice and devotion since a young age, eagerly following the threads Spirit has woven for her. She enjoys uncovering the magic in the mundane and attuning to the sacred essence of life. Her happy place is among the embrace of tall trees and rolling mountains.

Ama is devoted to the Way of Love and is here to hold and love others through their remembrance of wholeness and our collective co-creation of heaven on earth.


Lumina Hasenyager

Born Jennifer Leigh Hasenyager, Lumina holds a blend of blood lineages. On her Mother’s side she carries the Ashkenazi Jewish line; on her father’s side, Celtic and Germanic. She walks with Myrraphore scent priestess and Avalonian lineages both etherically and through her bloodlines. She continues to explore and awaken the tapestry of holy lineages she carries.

Lumina’s career path in the 3D world has taken a few turns. She began as an academic eye surgeon/research scientist/professor. She quit, got an MBA, apprenticed with a therapist, and became a Certified Counselor of the Gifted and Registered Corporate Coach. After 12 years as an Executive Coach, Lumina returned to medical practice in Functional Medicine and then worked as an executive in a Natural Health Company.

Lumina is Temple Keeper of Vetiver, whose holy name is Releaser of Fear. Initially perplexed to be chosen by a seemingly humble grass (instead of an intoxicating flower), Lumina has deepened into a loving relationship with this profound teacher and ally. Vetiver connects Lumina to the grounding safety of the trees, to the molten power of the Magma Dragon, and to the comforting womb of Mama Gaia the Great Mother. Vetiver supports Lumina, a deeply sensitive empath who feels most at home up in the stars, to walk in the 3D world as an embodied emissary of light.

A 13 Moons Mystery School Initiate and Certified Scent Priestess, Lumina is a lifelong teacher and mentor and is honored to have the opportunity to mentor a circle in the Rosa Mystica program.

You can connect with her here:

Lisa Kiehn

Lisa Kiehn, felt the sacred call of the Priestess in 1993. This soul inquiry began a lifelong adventure into women’s health studies and the devotional practices of the Goddess. Lisa is a Master Energy Healer, Ayurvedic Practitioner, and Certified Scent Priestess.

She joined the beloved Rosa Mystica Mystery School in 2020 and is currently a 2nd year apprentice. In daily life, she joyfully lives, loves, and plays with her children, husband, and animals in Southern Oregon.

Instagram: @lisakiehn98

Nancy Jackson

Nancy is a second year Priestess of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School and founder of Authentic and Aligned where she utilizes her Frequency Of You™ Framework to inspire soul-led women (and some men) who feel unseen to own their inherent gifts, speak their authentic truth, heal their wounds, and have unshakeable trust so they can create expansive lives and businesses as embodied and emboldened leaders.

She offers private 1:1 sessions, group programs, workshops, community, women’s circles, and teaches an academy.

Credentials include: Certified Transformation Coach, Human Design & Gene Keys Specialist, Mental Health Specialist, Mindfulness Practitioner, Holy Fire®III Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher, Energy Healing Practitioner

Instagram: authenticaligned

Rima Bonario

Dr. Rima Bonario is a Dream Weaver, Soul-Coach and Wild-Heart Healer with 30 years on the path of conscious evolution. She is a respected thought leader, speaker and teacher for women seeking to stand in their personal power while remaining open hearted and connected.

Rima is passionate about helping women experience personal wholeness, relationship harmony, and material abundance in their lives. She specializes in the arena of personal sovereignty and the challenge many women face in maintaining a healthy balance between caring for others and caring for themselves.

Rima holds doctorate in Transformational Psychology and has studied with master teachers in body-based energy work, Trauma First Aide and other body-based trauma informed practices, the Tantric Art of Sacred Sexuality. Rima is the co-founder of The Art of Quantum Living LLC, which trains and certifies people in the 21-day shadow work practice called The Quantum Living Process.

Rima’s best-selling book, “The Seven Queendoms: A Soul-Map for Embodying Sacred Feminine Sovereignty” explains how women can use the energy, majesty, and noble nature of the Queen archetype to consciously create a life they love.

Her coaching, workshops, online courses, sacred travel journeys use the transcendent power of myth and archetype, ritual and ceremony, and Soul/shadow work to help her students cut through energetic clutter, dissolve emotional baggage, and form wildly fulfilling habits of attention.

Rima has been leading sacred travel to Egypt since 2017 where she became acquainted with the Temple Art of Anointing. Inspired by her travels, she founded the Sisterhood of Anointing Priestesses, where she explores the lost Temple Art of Anointing to reclaim feminine power.

She is a certified Priestess Presence Temple Guide, and has continued her studies with Elayne, Diana and Jacquie in Rosa Mystica and the Scent Priestess path for three years. This year she is honored to join the Apprentice Program and be a Mentor.

Sandra Weidman

Sandra is a returning Rosa Mystica Scent Priestess initiate and mentor in training, Temple Guide of Priestess Presence Temple, Oracle Coach, and psychic.  She created “Woo Woo Wednesday” free Oracle reading offerings for women on her Reveal Your Radiance Facebook Group platform where she holds sacred, heart-felt space in support of the Divine Feminine.

Sandra is passionate about reconnecting women to their heart consciousness, trusting their inner gnosis that activates self-authority to embody their feminine power.  She empowers women to step into their authentic expression of self-love and sovereign power to deepen their spiritual walk despite outside opinions.

Sandra left a 32-year corporate career in Oil and Gas to follow her passion and purpose to devote herself as a Scent Priestess to be in service of love.

Facebook: Reveal Your Radiance FB Group
YouTube: YouTube Channel

Hive Council

Aurora Anurca Farber

Aurora Anurca Farber, a Senior Priestess and founding member of the Hive Council, is a Feminine Leadership Mentor, Intuitive Oracle, best selling writer, international speaker, Gene Keys Guide and magical Muse.

She helps awakened leaders, creatives, and light workers burn away toxic patriarchal patterns, ignite their “feminine fire” of presence, pleasure and play, and become catalysts of sustainable prosperity.

Her guiding vision is a fleet of sovereign women on a boundless ocean, each woman lighting up the world with her divine expression, and bringing harmony to the Universe with her unique legacy of love.

Ava St. Claire

Ava St. Claire is a spiritual teacher, facilitator, and advisor who guides leaders to, and through their purpose. As a former marketing executive and tech maven, Ava intimately understands the challenges of having a divine calling in corporate settings. Her unique approach combines traditional coaching with mediumship and divination, providing leaders with invaluable insights for modern challenges.

Ava’s primary contribution is soul-nourishing thought leadership. As a teacher, she blurs the boundaries of psychology, consciousness, and technology. She has a particular passion for exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on our spiritual development and collective human potential. Intrigued by the resilience of the human spirit, Ava emphasizes that only wise, compassionate action will drive humanity forward.


Clodagh O’Connor

Clodagh lives in the West of Ireland.

Her spiritual journey started at the age of 18 and her journey has taken many paths in search of knowing God more deeply.

She has rested into monastic wisdom, finding comfort in the great mystic’s and saints which led her to finding the 13 Moon Mystery School. Becoming a sister of many and to many brought much healing to her parched sacred union of the divine feminine and masculine, this is an ongoing birthing.

Clodagh works full time as a psychotherapist and couples therapist with a busy private practice, where her clients call her half witch, half mystic.

Elisha Tichelle

Elisha Halpin is a sacred life mentor and embodiment coach. Elisha’s mission is to help create a new cosmology for humanity by reclaiming our sacred nature and knowing ourselves as holy ground. Elisha weaves her 20+ year career as a tenured professor of somatics and dance with Breathwork, Neurosculpting, energy work, intuitive channeling, and transpersonal psychology for a whole system approach to healing and transformation.

Elisha works 1:1 with leaders to evolve their nervous system and soul embodiment. Through group programs, she trains coaches, healers, and mamas in cutting-edge nervous system and energy somatic techniques to revolutionize their lives and their service.

Elsa Alegria Perez Dean

Elsa Alegria is an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is also the temple keeper of The Radiant Heart Sanctuary, offering women spiritual guidance and ceremony as a sacred feminine wisdom keeper.

Elsa Alegria is passionate about empowering women to live their most authentic lives. She is a priestess who reconnects women to their inner wisdom so they may align to their heart’s compass and reclaim their expression, power, and joy.

After 20 years, in corporate interior design, Elsa Alegria answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She obtained a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa Alegria’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to other’s lives.

She continues to serve in devotion within Priestess Presence as a Focalizer within Quintessia, an original member of the Hive Council, and Senior Mentor of the Ritual Temple Guide Training program.

Learn more about Elsa Alegria at

Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years.

She is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, the founder of the Priestess Presence Mystery School + Temple which serves a sisterhood of over 100,000 women around the world. Elayne initiates, trains and ordains women into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may step into the social role and function of the Modern Day Priestess.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director – finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

In 1997 Elayne Kalila came to the USA to study at CIIS where she received her graduate degree in counseling psychology and drama therapy. This began many years of working as expressive arts therapist with a speciality in working with women – in recovery from severe trauma, sexual abuse, substance abuse, and survivors of war and genocide.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director -finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

Lettie Sullivan

Lettie Sullivan is a Priestess of the Sacred Arts and the Creatrix of the Goddess Ministry, whose mission is to anchor energetic activism centered in Love, Divine Feminine wisdom, metaphysical principles and cosmic time cycles. Lettie is also an inspirational speaker, a professional organizer, a life coach, and a bestselling author.

Lettie is a senior priestess and mentor in Priestess Presence, and has been leading Eclipsing Injustice, a series of ritual events to heal ancestral trauma and amplify love.

You can find her online:

Rebecca Cavender

Since 2015, Rebecca has been the temple’s copywriter and oracle. Alongside Elayne Kalila, she plays a key role in the ideation, creation, and seership of many of our programs, quizzes, and offerings … including co-authoring the temple’s best-selling book, The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess.

Rebecca also holds the following positions/roles in the temple: Editor-in-chief of the Temple Echoes digital magazine; founding member of the Hive Council; and faculty in Enter the Mystery (within Quintessia Mystery School). The now-expired Heartline program, created during the COVID-19 pandemic, was ideated and organized by Rebecca, becoming the foundation and catalyst for creating a mentorship program in our Quintessia Mystery School.

Inside and out of the temple, she’s a catalyst for transformation and is deeply passionate.

Within the team, she’s highly strategic, identifying patterns and analyzing them from a “big picture” and detailed view simultaneously. Her analytical skills help influence and align decisions that are coherent with the temple’s values while also being forward-thinking and innovative. Very disciplined, focused, instinctive, and generative, she’s an intuitive problem solver, identifying root-causes and suggests new paths to amplify the temple’s mission.

Rebecca is an Ordained Priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School, Certified Scent Priestess with the Emerald Temple, and founder/steward of Golden Snake Temple. She holds powerful snake medicine, rooted in primordial wisdom, initiating people into these mysteries. She’s also an international, best-selling author and in 2024, launched Snake Priestess Podcast.

Proudly autistic, she lives on the edge of the Salish Sea upon a small island in British Columbia, Canada. Perhaps you’ll find her at low tide, nestled in a private cove, communing with land and ancestors—staff in hand, song in throat.

Sarah Devereux

Sarah Devereux has worked in mental health services in the public sector for the past 25 years. She is a psychotherapist, passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of story and in the validation, its ability to support everyone living the life that they wish to live.

She delights in supporting people to find the space and strength to gain clarity around patterns of relating and behaving which may no longer serve them.

She’s meditating on her new iteration as the witch at the end of the lane–or more likely, the priestess at the end of the path. She’s supported by the love of the Priestess Presence Temple and initiation and sisterhood in Enter the Mystery.

Web: [email protected]


Aurora Anurca Farber

Aurora Anurca Farber is a Feminine Leadership Mentor, Intuitive Oracle, best-selling writer, international speaker, Gene Keys Guide, magical Muse, and Wayfinder. She helps women awaken their power, sync with cosmic cycles, and ignite their intuition so they can create a more balanced, beautiful, and brilliant life.

She’s a co-author of 4 books in the The New Feminine Evolutionary series: The New Feminine Evolutionary; Pioneering the Path to Prosperity; Sacred Body Wisdom and Sovereign Unto Herself, and also a featured writer and artist in Voices Of The Avalonian Priestesses

Through private mentorship, online programs, and transformational retreats, Aurora creates “sacred spaces” for women so they can fully embody and delight in life as a creative masterpiece. Her guiding vision is a fleet of sovereign women on a boundless ocean, each woman lighting up the world with her divine expression, and bringing harmony to the Universe with her unique legacy of love.

Facebook Group:
Facebook Business Page:
Linked In:

Ava St. Claire

Ava St. Claire is a spiritual teacher, facilitator, and advisor who guides leaders to, and through their purpose. As a former marketing executive and tech maven, Ava intimately understands the challenges of having a divine calling in corporate settings. Her unique approach combines traditional coaching with mediumship and divination, providing leaders with invaluable insights for modern challenges.

Ava’s primary contribution is soul-nourishing thought leadership. As a teacher, she blurs the boundaries of psychology, consciousness, and technology. She has a particular passion for exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on our spiritual development and collective human potential. Intrigued by the resilience of the human spirit, Ava emphasizes that only wise, compassionate action will drive humanity forward.


Clodagh O’Connor

Clodagh lives in the West of Ireland.

Her spiritual journey started at the age of 18 and her journey has taken many paths in search of knowing God more deeply.

She has rested into monastic wisdom, finding comfort in the great mystic’s and saints which led her to finding the 13 Moon Mystery School. Becoming a sister of many and to many brought much healing to her parched sacred union of the divine feminine and masculine, this is an ongoing birthing.

Clodagh works full time as a psychotherapist and couples therapist with a busy private practice, where her clients call her half witch, half mystic.

Elisha [Halpin] Tichelle

Elisha Halpin is a sacred life mentor and embodiment coach. Elisha’s mission is to help create a new cosmology for humanity by reclaiming our sacred nature and knowing ourselves as holy ground. Elisha weaves her 20+ year career as a tenured professor of somatics and dance with Breathwork, Neurosculpting, energy work, intuitive channeling, and transpersonal psychology for a whole system approach to healing and transformation.

Elisha works 1:1 with leaders to evolve their nervous system and soul embodiment. Through group programs, she trains coaches, healers, and mamas in cutting-edge nervous system and energy somatic techniques to revolutionize their lives and their service.

Elsa Alegria Perez Dean

Elsa Alegria is an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is also the temple keeper of The Radiant Heart Sanctuary, offering women spiritual guidance and ceremony as a sacred feminine wisdom keeper.

Elsa Alegria is passionate about empowering women to live their most authentic lives. She is a priestess who reconnects women to their inner wisdom so they may align to their heart’s compass and reclaim their expression, power, and joy.

After 20 years, in corporate interior design, Elsa Alegria answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She obtained a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa Alegria’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to other’s lives.

She continues to serve in devotion within Priestess Presence as a Focalizer within Quintessia, an original member of the Hive Council, and Senior Mentor of the Ritual Temple Guide Training program.

Learn more about Elsa Alegria at


Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years.

She is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, the founder of the Priestess Presence Mystery School + Temple which serves a sisterhood of over 100,000 women around the world. Elayne initiates, trains and ordains women into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may step into the social role and function of the Modern Day Priestess.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director – finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

In 1997 Elayne Kalila came to the USA to study at CIIS where she received her graduate degree in counseling psychology and drama therapy. This began many years of working as expressive arts therapist with a speciality in working with women – in recovery from severe trauma, sexual abuse, substance abuse, and survivors of war and genocide.


Lettie Sullivan

Lettie Sullivan is a Professional Organizer, International Speaker & Life Coach, Bestselling Author and Priestess of the Sacred Arts.

A modern Mystic with 20+ years of mystical studies, practices, and initiations-as well as 18 years in private practice as a Professional Organizer and Life Coach-Lettie supports people in elevating their standard of living and facilitates sacred ceremonies and rites of passage for those who identify as spiritual but not religious.

Instagram: @LettingGoWithLettie
Instagram: @GoddessGalaxy

Rebecca Cavender

Rebecca is an Ordained Priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School, Certified Scent Priestess with the Emerald Temple, and founder/steward of Golden Snake Temple.

She holds powerful snake medicine, rooted in primordial wisdom, initiating people into these mysteries as a faculty in the Quintessia Mystery School and Golden Snake Temple.

She’s a catalyst, supporting you to embody your authentic, wild sensitivity—whether in your business or personal life—through spirit journeys/medicine rooted in her ancestry and priestess lineages.

She’s taught 2k+ people (in-person/online) the art of intuitive writing, copywriting, and more.

For the past decade, Rebecca has been devoted to the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple as faculty, oracle, copywriter, and founding member of the Hive Council.

She’s also an international, best-selling author and in 2024, launched Snake Priestess Podcast.

Rebecca weaves the power of her diverse lineages, opening you to yours: Golden Snake, völva, tantra (Certified Practitioner—Red Lotus Temple), and ancestral (Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, English, Irish, Scottish).

Proudly autistic, she lives on the edge of the Salish Sea upon a small island in British Columbia.

Perhaps you’ll find her at low tide, nestled in a private cove, communing with land and ancestors—staff in hand, song in throat.

Instagram: @rebecca.a.cavender

Sarah Devereux

Sarah Devereux has worked in mental health services in the public sector for the past 25 years. She is a psychotherapist, passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of story and in the validation, its ability to support everyone living the life that they wish to live.

She delights in supporting people to find the space and strength to gain clarity around patterns of relating and behaving which may no longer serve them.

She’s meditating on her new iteration as the witch at the end of the lane–or more likely, the priestess at the end of the path. She’s supported by the love of the Priestess Presence Temple and initiation and sisterhood in Enter the Mystery.

Web: [email protected]


Our Team

Amanda Boleman

Jacquie is the Program Manager and a faculty of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School & the Avalon Remembered retreat, ensuring that the energy and coherency of the rose and anointing mysteries is resonant and amplified in these programs.

She’s also one of our customer support team and the temple’s bookkeeper.

A woman with many hats and killer spreadsheet skills, Jacquie brings over 30 years of business administration experience and support skills to our team, temple spaces, and students of our programs.

As a Priestess in service, Jacquie is a highly intuitive and creative awakening midwife who loves supporting women to step into and own their personal power. She radiates Muse, Priestess, and Alchemical Goddess energy and has a very big heart.

A  good listener and guide, her strongest gifts are the ability to deep dive into the realms of unconsciousness to bring back the gems buried there, transforming poison into medicine, and holding space for others to do the same.

Outside of the Priestess Presence temple, Jacquie holds powerful circles and safe spaces empowering empaths to thrive – not just survive – the dance of life and cycles of death & rebirth.

Arlene Togonon

Arlene is a seasoned WordPress developer with over 10 years of experience in designing and managing WordPress websites. She excels in designing seamless, visually stunning, and highly interactive digital experiences.

Arlene’s expertise encompasses custom theme development and comprehensive website optimization, ensuring each site not only captivates with its aesthetics but also excels in performance.

Her dedication to staying at the forefront of web development trends and technologies makes her an invaluable asset in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Bam Vox

Bam is the head of aesthetics for all audio and visual aspects of the Temple, ensuring you receive the full beauty and coherence of Priestess Presence through this medium.

He records, edits, and creates the structural organizational flow so that we can deliver—to you—all the amazing offerings that the temple creates.

When not in the temple, Bam is to be found either in the recording studio creating his own transmissions through songwriting and performing, or out on the road as a stellar sound engineer.

Bam’s primary archetypes are: Priest, Magician, and Sound Alchemist.

Chloe Rose Fielding

Chloe has been a devoted student and staff member of the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple for the past 7 years.

She is the program manager for our Quintessia (ETM) Mystery School, Elayne Kalila’s executive assistant, and one of our customer support Queens!

Her continued devotion to the Priestess path, woven in with other studied modalities, allows her to deepen with those she works with, in a gentle yet powerful way. Happily describing herself as a hearth keeper of the light, her gentle and patient nature, provides warmth and light for those seeking their paths.

Chloe is a Mystic, and her primary archetypes are the Priestess and the Wise Woman.

Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years.

She is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, the founder of the Priestess Presence Mystery School + Temple which serves a sisterhood of over 100,000 women around the world. Elayne initiates, trains and ordains women into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may step into the social role and function of the Modern Day Priestess.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director – finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

In 1997 Elayne Kalila came to the USA to study at CIIS where she received her graduate degree in counseling psychology and drama therapy. This began many years of working as expressive arts therapist with a speciality in working with women – in recovery from severe trauma, sexual abuse, substance abuse, and survivors of war and genocide.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director -finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

Em Boden

Em’s a quiz queen, focusing on lead and sales generation.

She is the heart and savvy behind the scenes in the temple.

Em, our beautiful Aussie, makes sure all the technical, magical wizardry works smoothly to create ease and grace for all of the temples, mothership, and anything else you can imagine … all while adding pizazz and sparkle!

Her primary archetype is Priestess.

In her personal business, she provides extraordinary launch and funnel strategy as well as support.

When Em’s not in temple, you can find her in the garden, hanging with her daughter in rural Australia, or mixing up a batch of water kefir and superfood bliss balls.

Jacquie Shenton

Jacquie is the Program Manager and a faculty of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School & the Avalon Remembered retreat, ensuring that the energy and coherency of the rose and anointing mysteries is resonant and amplified in these programs.

She’s also one of our customer support team and the temple’s bookkeeper.

A woman with many hats and killer spreadsheet skills, Jacquie brings over 30 years of business administration experience and support skills to our team, temple spaces, and students of our programs.

As a Priestess in service, Jacquie is a highly intuitive and creative awakening midwife who loves supporting women to step into and own their personal power. She radiates Muse, Priestess, and Alchemical Goddess energy and has a very big heart.

A  good listener and guide, her strongest gifts are the ability to deep dive into the realms of unconsciousness to bring back the gems buried there, transforming poison into medicine, and holding space for others to do the same.

Outside of the Priestess Presence temple, Jacquie holds powerful circles and safe spaces empowering empaths to thrive – not just survive – the dance of life and cycles of death & rebirth.

January Dela Cruz

Since joining the Priestess Presence team in 2023, January has embraced her role with enthusiasm and dedication. As a pivotal member of the support team, she intricately weaves together the various elements of the digital presence. Her expertise is particularly evident in the maintenance and enhancement of the website, with a special focus on the vibrant membership site. She diligently oversees the monthly content releases, ensuring every update flows seamlessly and supports the community’s needs.

In her quest to create a harmonious and efficient digital environment, January delves deeply into the CRM, crafting pages, automations, and emails that align with the organization’s mission. Her dedication to these tasks not only ensures the smooth operation of Priestess Presence but also nurtures the flourishing of the sacred community.

Outside the sacred realm of Priestess Presence, January finds joy in a variety of creative and relaxing activities. An avid reader and passionate artist, she loves to spend her free time drawing and immersing herself in books. To balance the chaos of daily life, she often indulges in cozy games that bring a sense of calm and tranquility.

A puzzle enthusiast at heart, January enjoys the challenge of solving intricate problems and finds satisfaction in each completed puzzle. Additionally, she has a keen interest in culinary adventures, frequently exploring new restaurants and delighting in diverse culinary experiences. These activities enrich her life and bring a sense of balance and joy to her daily routine.

Judrith Bigornia

Judrith, our Operations weaver and harmonious organizer, orchestrates the rhythm of our temple with precision and care. Since joining the temple, Judith has been a steady hand guiding our projects, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently, while documenting all of our processes as we go.

With over 10 years of experience in project managing, she blends thoughtful planning with meticulous execution, creating a symphony in our daily activities.

Judrith’s path is one of continuous improvement, viewing the world as both a masterpiece and a work in progress. She embraces continuous improvement and finds joy in turning organization into an art form.

Beyond the temple, you’ll find Judrith volunteering in different enriching programs or scouting for her next construction project. She treasures moments with loved ones, including family, friends, and especially her beloved dogs.

Whether she’s outdoors, tucked in bed watching a good show, playing a video game, or indulging in wellness practices like massage and self-care, she understands the value of quality time. As an avid traveler, she loves exploring and experiencing new places, art forms, cultures, and trying diverse cuisines, enriching her life with diverse experiences.

With Judrith’s calm and collected demeanor, her presence brings stability and order to every project. To those around her, she is a pillar of strength and calm, spreading a reassuring energy that inspires confidence and peace.

Pauline Alvarez

Pauline, our alchemical muse and magical maker, transforms visions to life with her craft and digital prowess. Since joining the temple in 2022, she has been the enchanting force behind our creative endeavors. As a multimedia artist, she weaves magic through design, mixed-media art, photography, and prose.

Pauline’s journey is one of self-discovery, making living life itself an art. Outside the temple walls, she communes with nature, embracing the wild through camping, biking, and hiking. She enjoys traveling, exploring different cultures, and immersing herself in diverse realms of music, art, and media.

Known for her radiant spirit, Pauline’s effervescent aura lights up every space she enters, infusing it with warmth and joy. She adores caring for animals and cherishing moments with her loved ones. To those around her, Pauline is a ball of sunshine, spreading an infectious energy that captivates and uplifts.

Rebecca Cavender

Since 2015, Rebecca has been the temple’s copywriter and oracle. Alongside Elayne Kalila, she plays a key role in the ideation, creation, and seership of many of our programs, quizzes, and offerings … including co-authoring the temple’s best-selling book, The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess.

Rebecca also holds the following positions/roles in the temple: Editor-in-chief of the Temple Echoes digital magazine; founding member of the Hive Council; and faculty in Enter the Mystery (within Quintessia Mystery School). The now-expired Heartline program, created during the COVID-19 pandemic, was ideated and organized by Rebecca, becoming the foundation and catalyst for creating a mentorship program in our Quintessia Mystery School.

Inside and out of the temple, she’s a catalyst for transformation and is deeply passionate.

Within the team, she’s highly strategic, identifying patterns and analyzing them from a “big picture” and detailed view simultaneously. Her analytical skills help influence and align decisions that are coherent with the temple’s values while also being forward-thinking and innovative. Very disciplined, focused, instinctive, and generative, she’s an intuitive problem solver, identifying root-causes and suggests new paths to amplify the temple’s mission.

Rebecca is an Ordained Priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School, Certified Scent Priestess with the Emerald Temple, and founder/steward of Golden Snake Temple. She holds powerful snake medicine, rooted in primordial wisdom, initiating people into these mysteries. She’s also an international, best-selling author and in 2024, launched Snake Priestess Podcast.

Proudly autistic, she lives on the edge of the Salish Sea upon a small island in British Columbia, Canada. Perhaps you’ll find her at low tide, nestled in a private cove, communing with land and ancestors—staff in hand, song in throat.

Amanda Boleman

Amanda Marie first entered the mystery with Priestess Presence in 2021 and took over as Social Sorceress in 2023. She is a heart marketer and multimedia storyteller with over 10 years of experience in content strategy + creation. Her favorite way to honor the Goddess is on stage as her burlesque alter ego Blue Lightning.

Arlene Togonon

Arlene is a seasoned WordPress developer with over 10 years of experience in designing and managing WordPress websites. She excels in designing seamless, visually stunning, and highly interactive digital experiences.

Arlene’s expertise encompasses custom theme development and comprehensive website optimization, ensuring each site not only captivates with its aesthetics but also excels in performance.

Her dedication to staying at the forefront of web development trends and technologies makes her an invaluable asset in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Bam Vox

Bam is the head of aesthetics for all audio and visual aspects of the Temple, ensuring you receive the full beauty and coherence of Priestess Presence through this medium.

He records, edits, and creates the structural organizational flow so that we can deliver—to you—all the amazing offerings that the temple creates.

When not in the temple, Bam is to be found either in the recording studio creating his own transmissions through songwriting and performing, or out on the road as a stellar sound engineer.

Bam’s primary archetypes are: Priest, Magician, and Sound Alchemist.

Chloe Rose Fielding

Chloe has been a devoted student and staff member of the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple for the past 7 years.

She is the program manager for our Quintessia (ETM) Mystery School, Elayne Kalila’s executive assistant, and one of our customer support Queens!

Her continued devotion to the Priestess path, woven in with other studied modalities, allows her to deepen with those she works with, in a gentle yet powerful way. Happily describing herself as a hearth keeper of the light, her gentle and patient nature, provides warmth and light for those seeking their paths.

Chloe is a Mystic, and her primary archetypes are the Priestess and the Wise Woman.

Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years.

She is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, the founder of the Priestess Presence Mystery School + Temple which serves a sisterhood of over 100,000 women around the world. Elayne initiates, trains and ordains women into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may step into the social role and function of the Modern Day Priestess.

She began her professional life as a theater actor, and director – finding her home within community based theater arts bringing theater to a diverse array of communities – with inmates in prison, at risk youth, developmentally challenged adults, inpatient psychiatric patients, indigent and homeless populations.

In 1997 Elayne Kalila came to the USA to study at CIIS where she received her graduate degree in counseling psychology and drama therapy. This began many years of working as expressive arts therapist with a speciality in working with women – in recovery from severe trauma, sexual abuse, substance abuse, and survivors of war and genocide.


Em Boden

Em’s a quiz queen, focusing on lead and sales generation.

She is the heart and savvy behind the scenes in the temple.

Em, our beautiful Aussie, makes sure all the technical, magical wizardry works smoothly to create ease and grace for all of the temples, mothership, and anything else you can imagine … all while adding pizazz and sparkle!

Her primary archetype is Priestess.

In her personal business, she provides extraordinary launch and funnel strategy as well as support.

When Em’s not in temple, you can find her in the garden, hanging with her daughter in rural Australia, or mixing up a batch of water kefir and superfood bliss balls.

Jacquie Shenton

Jacquie is the Program Manager and a faculty of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School & the Avalon Remembered retreat, ensuring that the energy and coherency of the rose and anointing mysteries is resonant and amplified in these programs.

She’s also one of our customer support team and the temple’s bookkeeper.

A woman with many hats and killer spreadsheet skills, Jacquie brings over 30 years of business administration experience and support skills to our team, temple spaces, and students of our programs.

As a Priestess in service, Jacquie is a highly intuitive and creative awakening midwife who loves supporting women to step into and own their personal power. She radiates Muse, Priestess, and Alchemical Goddess energy and has a very big heart.

A  good listener and guide, her strongest gifts are the ability to deep dive into the realms of unconsciousness to bring back the gems buried there, transforming poison into medicine, and holding space for others to do the same.

Outside of the Priestess Presence temple, Jacquie holds powerful circles and safe spaces empowering empaths to thrive – not just survive – the dance of life and cycles of death & rebirth.

January Dela Cruz

Since joining the Priestess Presence team in 2023, January has embraced her role with enthusiasm and dedication. As a pivotal member of the support team, she intricately weaves together the various elements of the digital presence. Her expertise is particularly evident in the maintenance and enhancement of the website, with a special focus on the vibrant membership site. She diligently oversees the monthly content releases, ensuring every update flows seamlessly and supports the community’s needs.

In her quest to create a harmonious and efficient digital environment, January delves deeply into the CRM, crafting pages, automations, and emails that align with the organization’s mission. Her dedication to these tasks not only ensures the smooth operation of Priestess Presence but also nurtures the flourishing of the sacred community.

Outside the sacred realm of Priestess Presence, January finds joy in a variety of creative and relaxing activities. An avid reader and passionate artist, she loves to spend her free time drawing and immersing herself in books. To balance the chaos of daily life, she often indulges in cozy games that bring a sense of calm and tranquility.

A puzzle enthusiast at heart, January enjoys the challenge of solving intricate problems and finds satisfaction in each completed puzzle. Additionally, she has a keen interest in culinary adventures, frequently exploring new restaurants and delighting in diverse culinary experiences. These activities enrich her life and bring a sense of balance and joy to her daily routine.

Judrith Bigornia

Judrith, our Operations weaver and harmonious organizer, orchestrates the rhythm of our temple with precision and care. Since joining the temple, Judith has been a steady hand guiding our projects, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently, while documenting all of our processes as we go.

With over 10 years of experience in project managing, she blends thoughtful planning with meticulous execution, creating a symphony in our daily activities.

Judrith’s path is one of continuous improvement, viewing the world as both a masterpiece and a work in progress. She embraces continuous improvement and finds joy in turning organization into an art form.

Beyond the temple, you’ll find Judrith volunteering in different enriching programs or scouting for her next construction project. She treasures moments with loved ones, including family, friends, and especially her beloved dogs.

Whether she’s outdoors, tucked in bed watching a good show, playing a video game, or indulging in wellness practices like massage and self-care, she understands the value of quality time. As an avid traveler, she loves exploring and experiencing new places, art forms, cultures, and trying diverse cuisines, enriching her life with diverse experiences.

With Judrith’s calm and collected demeanor, her presence brings stability and order to every project. To those around her, she is a pillar of strength and calm, spreading a reassuring energy that inspires confidence and peace.

Pauline Alvarez

Pauline, our alchemical muse and magical maker, transforms visions to life with her craft and digital prowess. Since joining the temple in 2022, she has been the enchanting force behind our creative endeavors. As a multimedia artist, she weaves magic through design, mixed-media art, photography, and prose.

Pauline’s journey is one of self-discovery, making living life itself an art. Outside the temple walls, she communes with nature, embracing the wild through camping, biking, and hiking. She enjoys traveling, exploring different cultures, and immersing herself in diverse realms of music, art, and media.

Known for her radiant spirit, Pauline’s effervescent aura lights up every space she enters, infusing it with warmth and joy. She adores caring for animals and cherishing moments with her loved ones. To those around her, Pauline is a ball of sunshine, spreading an infectious energy that captivates and uplifts.

Rebecca Cavender

Rebecca is an Ordained Priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School, Certified Scent Priestess with the Emerald Temple, and founder/steward of Golden Snake Temple.

She holds powerful snake medicine, rooted in primordial wisdom, initiating people into these mysteries as a faculty in the Quintessia Mystery School and Golden Snake Temple.

She’s a catalyst, supporting you to embody your authentic, wild sensitivity—whether in your business or personal life—through spirit journeys/medicine rooted in her ancestry and priestess lineages.

She’s taught 2k+ people (in-person/online) the art of intuitive writing, copywriting, and more.

For the past decade, Rebecca has been devoted to the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts & Temple as faculty, oracle, copywriter, and founding member of the Hive Council.

She’s also an international, best-selling author and in 2024, launched Snake Priestess Podcast.

Rebecca weaves the power of her diverse lineages, opening you to yours: Golden Snake, völva, tantra (Certified Practitioner—Red Lotus Temple), and ancestral (Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, English, Irish, Scottish).

Proudly autistic, she lives on the edge of the Salish Sea upon a small island in British Columbia.

Perhaps you’ll find her at low tide, nestled in a private cove, communing with land and ancestors—staff in hand, song in throat.

Instagram: @rebecca.a.cavender

Land Acknowledgement

The Priestess Presence Temple & School of Sacred Arts is located on the
unceded and traditional territory of the Nisenan Tribe.

We honor this ancestral land and its original people. We give thanks for our ability to hold the space for this temple on their sacred land.

The area of Nevada City, California, where the temple resides, was repeatedly taken from the Nisenan people, without compensation or regard for the lives of the original people; and now, they have no land left.

The temple acknowledges it is on the ancestral homelands of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe. The Temple acknowledges we are settlers here—that we live, love, and work on land the Nisenan never ceded.

To help amend the tragic legacy, the temple provides a monthly contribution to recognize the sovereignty of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan and acknowledge their historic relationship with this land, their ancestral homelands. We give to CHIRP—CALIFORNIA HERITAGE: INDIGENOUS RESEARCH PROJECT. It was created to research, document, preserve, and protect California Indigenous Nisenan culture.

We are committed to translating spiritual concepts into devoted service and walking our talk.

The temple commits to being an anti-racist, inclusive space that honors all diversity. This includes: looking at and dismantling our privilege in all aspects of systemic racism, white supremacy, and institutional/cultural imperialism, while alchemizing the truth that we, too, are One (without bypassing).

As such, we feel it’s crucial to be informed of colonialism’s past and ongoing consequences.

We encourage everyone to learn about the history of the lands they’re on and support Indigenous resistance here and across Turtle Island.

Modern-Day Priestess Mini Course

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