Priestess Presence

An Ancient/Future Mystery School for the Modern-Day Priestess

We’re reinstating the global resurrection of the Priestess

We’re weaving the story of union & love

Our world needs trained priestesses who know the art of alchemy so they can bridge our polarized world into union.

We locate ourselves in the never-ending dance of opposites, embracing all the gifts and wounds of ourselves and all others.

We’re willing to risk being more vulnerable than we’re comfortable with—in service to love.

This is spiritual maturation.

Explore Our Free Offerings

Reclaiming the Temple Tradition

In ancient times, our temples were in every corner of the earth, built in every form imaginable—from crystal, to open desert mesa, to the sacred springs that erupted in life from the depths of the Great Mother.

Our temples are still here … and we’re here so you can remember and reclaim the Divine Feminine traditions, rituals, and ceremonies.

Rosa Mystica Mystery School:
Home of the Scent Priestess

You’ll find your way here by following the scent of rose…

This is the most exquisite priestess training to awaken your holy body through the ancient mystery of the senses—especially scent—as a pathway to love, devotion, and ecstatic divinity.

Explore this “sensational,” multi-year mystery school which includes a potential path to certification and ordination…

Quintessia Mystery School:
Study the Cycles of Life, Death, and Rebirth

Not afraid of the deep?

This is the path of the Alchemical Priestess where you’ll have direct encounters with archetypal consciousness, through the lineage teachings of the 13 Moon Mystery School, of which Elayne Kalila is a Focalizer (with permission to initiate, ordain, teach, and transmit the works of the 13 Moon Mystery School).

As you delve into the transpersonal realms of shadow work, initiation, and transformation, you’ll remember the priestess art of alchemy so that you can embody your inherent wisdom, gifts, and love.

Plunge, if you dare, into the depths of this multi-year mystery school which includes the potential for certification and ordination…

Meet Our Sisterhood of Excellence

Meet Our Mystery School Practitioners


Explore all of our incredible Certified Temple Guide Trainers who completed & excelled at our rigorous training so they can bring temple circle experiences to you…


After rigorous, disciplined, and rooted training in Quintessia Mystery School and initiation with Elayne Kalila, these extraordinary women have been ordained and/or designated as a Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School


Explore all the devotional women who have walked the path of love to such a degree from their training in the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, they’ve become Certified and/or Ordained as Scent Priestesses

Magdalene Rose Oracle

The reclamation of your feminine magic

This oracle is a magical gift, encoded with a message to help you reclaim your feminine magic–specifically the feminine magic of the Magdalene. It’s Your Birthright; it’s natural within you, and this oracle deck will help you remember how to activate it.


Temple Echoes


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