Our world needs trained priestesses who know the art of alchemy so they can bridge our polarized world into union.
We locate ourselves in the never-ending dance of opposites, embracing all the gifts and wounds of ourselves and all others.
We’re willing to risk being more vulnerable than we’re comfortable with—in service to love.
This is spiritual maturation.
Discover your Divine Feminine archetype
Explore your cutting-edge spiritual gifts
In ancient times, our temples were in every corner of the earth, built in every form imaginable—from crystal, to open desert mesa, to the sacred springs that erupted in life from the depths of the Great Mother.
Our temples are still here … and we’re here so you can remember and reclaim the Divine Feminine traditions, rituals, and ceremonies.
This is the most exquisite priestess training to awaken your holy body through the ancient mystery of the senses—especially scent—as a pathway to love, devotion, and ecstatic divinity.
Explore this “sensational,” multi-year mystery school which includes a potential path to certification and ordination…
This is the path of the Alchemical Priestess where you’ll have direct encounters with archetypal consciousness, through the lineage teachings of the 13 Moon Mystery School, of which Elayne Kalila is a Focalizer (with permission to initiate, ordain, teach, and transmit the works of the 13 Moon Mystery School).
As you delve into the transpersonal realms of shadow work, initiation, and transformation, you’ll remember the priestess art of alchemy so that you can embody your inherent wisdom, gifts, and love.
Plunge, if you dare, into the depths of this multi-year mystery school which includes the potential for certification and ordination…
Mystery school is like the best fun I’ve had in years .. the study, the growth, the expansion, I feel like one of the famous five Enid Blyton characters always on an adventure with each archetype but these adventures have much more interior depth quality to them while also soul traveling with other sisters.
This work is life changing .. I’m having a blast while also rearranging myself on the inside.
When I started to walk to the path of Priestess Presence, I was not connected to Divine Feminine energies. I was very introspective, my heart was open but guarded. The deeper into the teachings the more I could feel and hear her voice. The remembrance of walking with the divine feminine and who I was, am and will be has been coming clearer with each moon. The enhancement of the program is the Sister Circles. I am truly blessed to have chosen Lettie Sullivan as my mentor/sister.
Enter the Mystery has helped me to reconnect with a part of myself that I needed to awaken.
Feeling how my sisters hold me in this process of rediscovering myself and rediscovering the world is really beautiful.
Through ETM I realized how disconnected I was. And now, every day, I feel the sacred beauty everywhere around. The sacred gift of being alive, the sacred gift of my body, the sacred gift of sisterhood.
I’ve been working with the 13 moon archetypes since 2015, and last year I felt like I was ready for something deeper, some new clarity and I really wanted to be fully held. And so when I found out about Ruby circle, it was a no brainer.
I was such a yes. And I haven’t regretted one part of the journey, even the intensities, and the initiations have been so beautiful. The way Elayne Kalila creates space and holds you in this journey is amazing in and of itself.
The best way to put it is there’s the me before the Ruby circle, and there’s the me after the Ruby circle.
What this means is that I now get to live life with more of me these days, that I get to live my life knowing what it means to be my authentic self in my fullest expression and living in alignment with my soul.
There are even parts of myself that have surfaced that I didn’t even know existed.
Enter The Mystery is a portal into yourself and a way to access the magic of life! I have grown so rapidly and I know at the end of the year I will be a different woman, in the BEST way possible.
This Mystery School has gifted me too many treasures to count!
The transmissions about history, the plants, the blessings and invocations and the support from the sister circle have all brought out the very best in me.
I have called back my divinity and my power and am making it useful. It is much easier to be perfectly human and perfectly divine when you are anointed and are the anointing one.
Since beginning the program I have already unlocked so much latent power and healing that I was not aware was possible. I was called to the path of the scent priestess after a deeply profound experience in anointing with sacred oils and this program is everything I was hoping for and more!
Thank you to the entire team of the Rosa Mystica school for embracing me in the lineage of the Magdalene and opening me up to my full potential in life, love and magic. I feel so blessed to have met you all.
Diana, Elayne Kalila, and Jacquie are part of a Sisterhood circle of powerful women that bring together the potency and symphony of these amazing oils that Diana has channeled.
Each sacred oil brings me to a deeper understanding and an amplified experience of what it is to be a Priestess and an Oracle.
Elayne Kalila came into my purview when I saw her on the shift network doing a special on Mary Magdalene. I instantly knew she was my teacher. I came in with years of meditation and other spiritual practices and teachers, but I felt ungrounded and I hadn’t felt held so I couldn’t explore the depths of my soul. And that’s what we do in the Ruby circle.
Each year Elayne Kalila mentors a small group of women, women who are daring women who are ready to be vulnerable and do the deep work.
This is not just another course to learn, it is a remembering of your soul, as all aspects of your human life and divine spirit arise.
Our mentors teach by being the essence of love, encourage us to connect to our own autonomy, and share all knowledge freely. Return to your magic, your sovereignty, the powers of your blood mysteries, open up your oracular visioning and heal yourself, your community and the world.
My own experience in the cauldron has burned away nearly all the remaining residue of fear and inauthenticity.
I trust my sisters, because I’ve learned to trust myself more.
I feel safer in the world, not because the world has changed, but because I have changed. These are but a few of the amazing side effects of the medicine ETM brings to your world.
I felt deeply called to RMMS but I really had no idea how profound the experience would be for me.
The Emerald Temple oils have become such an important part of my spiritual practice and personal self care that I can’t imagine not having them with me as I continue on my path of healing and personal development. For those who feel called to enroll in Rosa Mystica I can’t recommend it highly enough, your life will be profoundly changed for the better.
Rosa Mystica is a glorious journey into the potent scent priestess lineage. Diana DuBrow, majestic Myrrhophore, sacred sage, and storyteller, spun her tales of mystical teachings so powerfully, light codes flashed and emanated from her eyes.
Her precious elixirs awakened ancient oracle memories that swirled around me like temple dancers in fervent prayer, worshiping the sun. The potions helped me embrace my gift of channeling, and activated my light language.
This journey is the most profound reclaiming and remembering of my life. It’s a really powerful way to reconnect with my soul’s memory of the gifts that are available for me, through my lineage, my ancestors, and my sisters.
The remembrance, the calling that struck me when I first heard Diana speak about the holy oils, years before the program began, became the beginning of the tremendous awakening, healing, beauty, and sisterhood I experience in Rosa Mystica. When the program manifested the entrance to the resplendent temple appeared…by the mother’s holy grace.
Jai Ma🌹Jai Ma🌹Jai Ma🌹
The biggest transformation in ETM I’ve had so far is that I have nurtured an active and ever-present connection to the divine, in both an etheric and practical sense, in my personal and professional life. Every single day I am feeling into the spirit and archetypes within me, and around me.
Whether I am in nature, releasing old stories into the healing waters of mother, nestled amongst her trees and communing with their wisdom.
My life since starting Rosa Mystica two years ago, is vastly different!
I discovered myself under layers of religion, patriarchy and saying yes when I meant no.
In finding myself and being a part of this divine sisterhood, I was able to leave an unhealthy relationship of 11 years, leave my corporate job, move out of the city, find my sovereignty and start the journey of creating my sacred calling walking the way of love.
“My experience in Rosa Mystica has been nothing short of transformational.
This has been the deepest journey of self love, self honoring and coming back home to myself that I have ever embarked on.
Rosa Mystica has gifted me the tools and support to integrate all of my parts, both my shadows and my light, allowing me to become the strong container that I’ve been seeking outside of myself for so long.
Sitting in temple with those incredible women is such a blessing. I feel genuinely so honored to learn from these beautiful and powerful priestesses.
My life has changed in the best ways since joining Enter The Mystery and Rosa Mystica. I feel much more connected to the GodDess, myself, Life, my purpose and everything around me.
I have had the privilege to do many beautiful and powerful educations in my life, but nothing compares to this.
Words fail me at the level of change that’s created in my life as a result of the Certificate Level Training.
I’ve studied with a lot of very talented and gifted people … but I feel so held in this circle and have great, great gratitude for the level of mastery that Elayne Kalila brings: the way she models everything I want to be in the world.
Explore all of our incredible Certified Temple Guide Trainers who completed & excelled at our rigorous training so they can bring temple circle experiences to you…
After rigorous, disciplined, and rooted training in Quintessia Mystery School and initiation with Elayne Kalila, these extraordinary women have been ordained and/or designated as a Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School
Explore all the devotional women who have walked the path of love to such a degree from their training in the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, they’ve become Certified and/or Ordained as Scent Priestesses
The reclamation of your feminine magic
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