And what am I to love, if not the mystery?
And what am I to love, if not the mystery?
Consciously choosing to work with unconscious aspects of your mind/personality to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress/hide from yourself
A primary archetype that encompasses all faces/aspects/energies of the Goddess (and Goddesses)
Collectively inherited unconscious ideas, patterns of thought, images, symbols, etc., that are universally present in individual psyches (the collective unconscious)
Practice to become fully present in your body and spirit so that you can lovingly discern, decode, devote, and take action
The process of recollection, of collecting memories (whether in the mind, spirit, or body) that supports you to reveal the Essence of who you are; it’s an inner gnosis (or knowing)
Derived from the Arabian phrase “al-kimia”
Magical power or process of transmuting a common substance into something of great value (e.g. base metal into gold)
Study the modern-day priestess at your pace, whenever you want
This is the direct path of initiation with archetypal frequency of the Divine Feminine.
Be held as you die & are reborn in this multi-year, multi-level priestess initiation where certification and ordination are possibilities…
Become certified, ordained, or a focalizer with this mystery school work
Enjoy these free offerings & get to know the modern-day priestess
This includes certification and tutelage/apprenticeship with Diana DuBrow.
They are lineage bearers of the Scent Priestess protocols, aligned within Rosa Mystica Mystery School, and may continue to offer their gifts through teaching or transmitting the sacred art.
13 Faces of the Divine Feminine
Discover which face of the Goddess is most alive within you now
5 Faces of Priestess Leadership
Explore which priestess leadership style you most embody
Modern Day Priestess Series
5-part mini video course to remember & activate your inner-Priestess. Receive: daily emails, videos, a sacred workbook, and a meditation
Study the modern-day priestess at your pace, whenever you want
This includes certification and tutelage/apprenticeship with Diana DuBrow.
They are lineage bearers of the Scent Priestess protocols, aligned within Rosa Mystica Mystery School, and may continue to offer their gifts through teaching or transmitting the sacred art.
Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess
Birthing a New Archetype of the Divine Feminine eBook
4 sacred business masterclasses with PDFs, audios, videos, & templates: Design Your Curriculum by Elayne Kalila; the Art of Invitation & Copywriting by Rebecca Cavender; Creating an Opt-In Event by Elayne Kalila; How to Use Social Media to Call-In Your Community by Flora Ware
Discover how to activate your feminine leadership by studying with 5 priestess leadership archetypes
Learn 9 core skills & practices of the alchemical priestess, plus bonus primer modules on archetypes, alchemy, and the Divine Feminine
Essence: Embrace, Embody, and Activate Your Gifts
Release your shadows, focus on your gifts, activate your genius
Get a taste for being a priestess initiate before fully committing to the path
Self-Study | Self-Paced
This includes certification and tutelage/apprenticeship with Diana DuBrow.
They are lineage bearers of the Scent Priestess protocols, aligned within Rosa Mystica Mystery School, and may continue to offer their gifts through teaching or transmitting the sacred art.
The Path of the Alchemical Priestess:
Enter the Mystery Foundation
12-month self-study
This robust course prepares you for Enter the Mystery, our initiate pathway.
Explore in depth: priestess wounds | alchemy | divine feminine archetypes | shadow work | temple culture | embodied spirituality
This includes certification and tutelage/apprenticeship with Diana DuBrow.
They are lineage bearers of the Scent Priestess protocols, aligned within Rosa Mystica Mystery School, and may continue to offer their gifts through teaching or transmitting the sacred art.
ETM Advanced Electives
(some of these may not be offered every year)
ETM 200 – Returning Initiate:
Repeat ETM 101 Sapphire w/o a mentor
ETM 201 – Luna
Art & alchemy of manifesting with the moon w/ mentor (Coming Soon)
ETM 205 – Ruby*
Prerequisite for Emerald; Online, advanced, intensive deep-dive with Elayne Kalila as your mentor with extra 4hr temple/month
If you’re called to become certified, ordained, or a focalizer of this mystery school work, then this section is for you
This includes certification and tutelage/apprenticeship with Diana DuBrow.
They are lineage bearers of the Scent Priestess protocols, aligned within Rosa Mystica Mystery School, and may continue to offer their gifts through teaching or transmitting the sacred art.
ETM 201-204
Choose one of these year 2+ advanced electives
ETM 205 – Ruby*
Prerequisite for Emerald & ordination
ETM 206 – Ritual Certification*
Prerequisite for focalization path, but not ordination; In-person & Online Certification to become a Temple Guide
ETM 207 – Emerald*
Must take Ruby first; prerequisite for ordination; deepest initiatory level we offer. In-person & online group initiation
I joined Enter the Mystery after what I thought was a difficult year – and it was – yet the next two years would be even more traumatic and tumultuous.
The power to survive came from within me, yet the framework of the archetypes and the sisterhood I have been part of guided me in discovering my connection to that power, to my divinity.
When I started to walk to the path of Priestess Presence, I was not connected to Divine Feminine energies. I was very introspective, my heart was open but guarded. The deeper into the teachings the more I could feel and hear her voice. The remembrance of walking with the divine feminine and who I was, am and will be has been coming clearer with each moon. The enhancement of the program is the Sister Circles. I am truly blessed to have chosen Lettie Sullivan as my mentor/sister.
The very first time I stumbled upon Priestess Presence and heard Elayne Doughty speak about what it means to walk the priestess path, goosebumps ran up and down both my arms and I had a visceral feeling that shook my body from the inside out.
I have to say that I have before noticed or experienced anything like this feeling.
My biggest transformation this year has been shifting my deep fear of being intimate with people in general and the resistance to being connected.
The great mother really shifted my core to get this year started and it helped me on a really massive level to heal my inner child wounds from my abusive upbringing.
I was able to reconnect my roots to a much bigger power and recognize my own magic and purpose in the world.
I’ve been working with the 13 moon archetypes since 2015, and last year I felt like I was ready for something deeper, some new clarity and I really wanted to be fully held. And so when I found out about Ruby circle, it was a no brainer.
I was such a yes. And I haven’t regretted one part of the journey, even the intensities, and the initiations have been so beautiful. The way Elayne Kalila creates space and holds you in this journey is amazing in and of itself.
The best way to put it is there’s the me before the Ruby circle, and there’s the me after the Ruby circle.
What this means is that I now get to live life with more of me these days, that I get to live my life knowing what it means to be my authentic self in my fullest expression and living in alignment with my soul.
There are even parts of myself that have surfaced that I didn’t even know existed.
The biggest transformation in ETM that I’ve had so far is a deepening remembrance and connection to who I am and the sacred feminine within. This has led to shifts in the ways I see and experience my everyday life.
It’s as if I have a new lens that I am seeing through.
It is a lens that has always been in my pocket and now that I have pulled it out, polished it, and depending on how I hold it, I see things from different perspective.
Being part of the Enter the Mystery Priestess Presence group has been transformational.
Workng with Elayne Kalila is an absolute pleasure. She’s very gifted and caring and loving. All of her assistants are very supportive as well.
I am so pleased and honored to be part of this amazing group.
Diana, Elayne Kalila, and Jacquie are part of a Sisterhood circle of powerful women that bring together the potency and symphony of these amazing oils that Diana has channeled.
Each sacred oil brings me to a deeper understanding and an amplified experience of what it is to be a Priestess and an Oracle.
I’m eternally grateful for Enter the Mystery, it’s the most transforming, powerful, and empowering journey I’ve ever embarked upon.
I’ve felt so deeply held and supported all the way. I continue to be in awe of its magic, power, and depth every day.
This is a true feminine mystery school of pure love and heart, and complete, wild feminine awakening. I highly recommend this journey, it’s essential curriculum for every woman.
My connection to the Divine Mother has amplified through my path in Enter The Mystery. I feel at home, as I find such alignment in the teachings.
Elayne Kalila came into my purview when I saw her on the shift network doing a special on Mary Magdalene. I instantly knew she was my teacher. I came in with years of meditation and other spiritual practices and teachers, but I felt ungrounded and I hadn’t felt held so I couldn’t explore the depths of my soul. And that’s what we do in the Ruby circle.
Each year Elayne Kalila mentors a small group of women, women who are daring women who are ready to be vulnerable and do the deep work.
My own experience in the cauldron has burned away nearly all the remaining residue of fear and inauthenticity.
I trust my sisters, because I’ve learned to trust myself more.
I feel safer in the world, not because the world has changed, but because I have changed. These are but a few of the amazing side effects of the medicine ETM brings to your world.
I felt deeply called to RMMS but I really had no idea how profound the experience would be for me.
The Emerald Temple oils have become such an important part of my spiritual practice and personal self care that I can’t imagine not having them with me as I continue on my path of healing and personal development. For those who feel called to enroll in Rosa Mystica I can’t recommend it highly enough, your life will be profoundly changed for the better.
My biggest transformation is the realization that I create my reality by tapping in, tuning in, and getting in the different frequencies and archetypes that serve me at any given moment. That I have all the answer within.
This comes with a confidence and empowerment that allows me to serve from a place of wholeness and solidity that I don’t have prior.
I’m in awe of the mystery and magic and am devoted to this practice for a lifetime.
The biggest transformation in ETM I’ve had so far is that I have nurtured an active and ever-present connection to the divine, in both an etheric and practical sense, in my personal and professional life. Every single day I am feeling into the spirit and archetypes within me, and around me.
Whether I am in nature, releasing old stories into the healing waters of mother, nestled amongst her trees and communing with their wisdom.
We all have deeply held traumas, fears, vulnerabilities … .BUT, the beautiful thing is that we are all also amazing healers who can hold safe space for each other…witness each other, and support each other. That is the most powerful medicine on the planet. I love each and everyone of you. Thank you for saying yes to yourself and therefore to all of us. You are magic!!
The biggest transformation for me is that I am beginning to fully accept and love myself more and more unconditionally. For so many years I felt wrong for who I am and now it feels like coming home to my true self and falling in love with me. This is such a relief and an incredible gift.
In accepting that I do not have to heal or to become anybody else I could start to watch into the mirror with the eyes of love.
This is my first time doing the Enter the Mystery Program and it has been such a transformational and emotional experience. The entire sisterhood, my specific group, and my mentor have all been incredibly supportive and I have witnessed some amazing transformational journeys in such a short time.
Certified Scent Priestess, Ordained 13 Moon Priestess
Rebecca is an Ordained Priestess with the 13 Moon Mystery School, Certified Scent Priestess with the Emerald Temple, and founder/steward of Golden Snake Temple. She holds powerful snake medicine, rooted in primordial wisdom, initiatin
Certified Scent Priestess, Certified Temple Guide
Lettie Sullivan is a Professional Organizer, International Speaker & Life Coach, Bestselling Author and Priestess of the Sacred Arts.
Certified Temple Guide, Ordained 13 Moon Priestess, Focalizer: 13 Moon
Elsa Alegria is an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is also the temple keeper of The Radiant Heart Sanctuary, offering women spiritual guidance and ceremony as a sacred feminine wisdom keeper.
Certified Scent Priestess
My training in the art of Holy Oil anointing began with Diana DuBrow, Founder of the Emerald Temple who I’m met amidst the 13 Moon Priestess training. Holy Oil work has been one of my most transformative life experiences. While meditations and other consciousness techniques have brought deeply satisfying,
Certified Scent Priestess
As a 13 Moon Priestess, I offer gateways of initiation and deepening in your own priestess skills. My own remembrance of many lifetimes as a swan priestess, carrying the gifts of anointing, astrology, transmission and sacred design are woven throughout my offerings in the 13 Moon Temple of the Swan. I walk the Path of the Orchid, blending unique frequencies that catalyze both the breaking open and the blossoming of the seeds within you.
Certified Scent Priestess
Julianna began her journey with the 13 Moon mystery school and is an ordained priestess. During this journey, Diana Dubrow of the Emerald temple and the holy art of anointing captured her heart. Julianna has the great honour and privilege of working alongside Diana as a senior anointer and she humbly and lovingly serves in 13 Moon & Emerald Temples.
Explore our exemplary training Enter the Mystery which teaches the feminine mysteries of the 13 Moon Mystery School™, founded by Ariel Spilsbury; the 13 Moon lineage is an initiation into the Divine Feminine through establishing direct, personal encounters with the Goddess via archetypal consciousness.