Priestess Presence

Eden Amadora

Focalizer, Ordained 13 Moon Priestess

Eden Amadora an archetypal channel, a mystic and a muse. As an ordained priestess and focalizer in the Divine Feminine 13 Moon Mystery School she is in service to those who are ready to embody their most essential, radiant selves and express their authentic voices as she combines her Divine Feminine guidance with yogic, shamanic, and intuitive practices and specializes in mudra, mantra, sound, song and archetypal embodiment.

Eden Amadora serves the great awakening on Earth by holding a clear compassionate mirror for all, uplifting, inspiring, and supporting women and men to return to the center of their soul essence and fully embrace themselves as nothing less than unique and precious embodiments of the Divine. This is the radiant heart of her successful training.

Her initiates acknowledge and praise her as, “One of the most extraordinary facilitators in the arenas of archetypal initiations, divine feminine embodiment, and sacred heart awakening.” She is highly regarded as a pure and seasoned “presence of transforming love” and raises a uniquely effective call to awaken our authentic selves and step into our spiritual sovereignty.


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