Priestess Presence

Diana DuBrow

In 1990 I had a dream that changed the course of my life. Until this time I had worked as an intuitive consultant, and aromatherapist leading Dancing with the Goddess women’s groups and dolphin swims. Then I had a remarkable, lucid dream in which I was taken to an ancient temple and initiated as a priestess. I was told “May the priestess remember, and may she call her daughters home.”

After this dream I studied healing traditions and cross cultural spiritual practices, ancient goddess initiations and ancient priestess ceremonies and healing practices. This is when I came upon the use of essential oils as more than medicinal tools. I soon discovered their deep, transformative spiritual properties.

From that point on I began to combine my intuitive healing work with essential oils developing an Anointing technique that would lead my clients home to themselves, home to their hearts and their essential nature. My intention was to bring my clients to their own intuitive voice rather than having them rely on mine. Soon after I was led to a sacred site in Hawaii, where I was further awakened to my calling. I began to have visions of an Emerald Temple, representing both a physical site as well as an energetic center in the heart. I have now created the Emerald Temple to teach anointing techniques and offer holy oils that are of the highest frequencies and vibrations.

Today, I am the founder of the Emerald Temple anointing technique used for healing, consecration and celebration, blessings, rites of passage, and end of life sacraments. My line of anointing oils are used all over the world for both individuals and professionals. In Penngrove, California I run my private intuitive counseling and Anointing practice, and teach the Scent Priestess anointing training program.

In all that I do, I acknowledge love as the most sacred force in the universe. I dedicate myself and my work to the service of that love.


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