Priestess Presence

Demelza Fox

Certified Scent Priestess, Certified Temple Guide

Demelza Fox is a Priestess based in Cambridge UK. She runs Rockstar Priestess, an inspirational website devoted to all things priestess, and hosts temple circles, red tents, ceremonies, and retreats locally and nationally. She offers sacred anointing sessions and is available to priestess rites of passage ceremonies.

Devoted to Avalon and Aphrodite, she is the headmistress of the Morgan le Fay Mystery School, teaching badass priestesses to become modern-day Morganas and educating the new generation of Avalon priestesses. A devotee of beauty, she teaches and shares how to connect with Venus and Aphrodite to bring more deliciousness into your life, and is also an international professional bellydancer who shares sacred temple dance at goddess events. She brings the spirit of play, beauty, and sensuality to everything she creates, and in a past career as a professional mermaid!

Demi has trained in Glastonbury Avalon as a Sacred Sexual Priestess of Rhiannon, is a certified coach, has mentored with Elayne Kalila and Diana DuBrow within Priestess Presence, is a Scent Priestess in the Rosa Mystica tradition (temple keeper of Jasmine Sambac), and is a certified Temple Guide.


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