Priestess Presence

Catalina Rivera Dois

Ordained 13 Moon Priestess, Certified Temple Guide

Catalina Rivera Dois is an ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School and Keeper of Our Blood Mysteries Temple: a sacred space dedicated to the rebirthing of our womb mysteries into modern-day life. She is an emissary of Mother’s Love through simple heart/womb knowing, magic, and fun. Catalina is also an eco-ceremonialist, a Feminine Mysteries mentor, a Reiki Master teacher/therapist, a registered nurse, a mermaid, and a loving mother of two. She is passionate about empowering women to reconnect with their innate magic, Mama Earth, and the waters of Life.

FB: Fascinating Feminine Flow 
Instagram: @catalinariveradois

Our registration for our mystery school is open again for a limited time!

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Enter the Mystery?

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Rosa Mystica?