Priestess Presence

Carmen Hole

Carmen creates safe and sacred spaces to hold people through significant life transitions with her deep nurturing and holding and has been walking the path of the Priestess within the Priestess Presence Temple since 2019.

A ceremonial Priestess and Sacred Passage Guide, she is a powerful awakener and catalyzer, leading women to connect to their bodies via dance and tantric embodiment practices as they transition through trauma and difficult times.  In  recent years she has had the deep honor of walking alongside those transitioning from this life into the next as Death Doula, in particular, has been caring for her elderly parents as they transition.

A lunar Hedgewitch who lives next to the sea on the Isle of Wight in the UK with her youngest son and her mother, Carmen can often be found dancing under the moonlight, practicing spellwork and magick or making herbal remedies in her home apothecary.

You can reach Carmen at

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