Priestess Presence

Amanda Starshine

Certified Scent Priestess, 13 Moon Focalizer Apprentice, Certified Temple Guide

Starshine has always been a deep seeker of the truth, so she has turned to science, philosophy, religion, and old texts and found that the path to truth was through the heart and deep inner work. She puts this to practice as a mentor in ETM and Focalizer Apprentice.

She received her aromatherapy degree from the College of Health Sciences in 2000 and is a scent priestess and flower essence practitioner. She is also well-versed in perfumery studying in many different schools.

Starshine has a beautiful blend of understanding the esoteric practices of the oils and an extensive background in the medicinal uses.

Communing with the oils and the plants they are made from gives her a unique perspective on the individuality of each plant and its collective properties.

This helps her understand which oils want to be blended together energetically and which ones want to work with you.

She beautifully weaves science and mysticism together while adding the history and stories of long ago to back the principles.

Starshine has been working in circles since she was in her early 20s and more extensively since she moved to Portland in 2015. She loves bringing people together and the deep connection that can be obtained simply by looking into another’s eyes while having an open heart.

As a temple guide, she loves to support women on the journey back to who they really are on the path back to the truth of self.


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