Priestess Presence

Kimberly A Firewalker

My own experience in the cauldron has burned away nearly all the remaining residue of fear and inauthenticity.

I trust my sisters, because I’ve learned to trust myself more.

I feel safer in the world, not because the world has changed, but because I have changed. These are but a few of the amazing side effects of the medicine ETM brings to your world.

If you believe, as I do, that we were each truly born for times such as these, then it is an easy distance to also believe that part of the work you have been called into doing includes being a part of a community that serves the highest good of everyone connected to you. Investing in myself (financially & energetically) to be a part of Enter the Mystery is one the best investments I made this year.

Our registration for our mystery school is open again for a limited time!

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Enter the Mystery?

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Rosa Mystica?