Magdalene Magic:

Reclaiming Oracular Traditions

magdalene as woman & high priestess | feminine magic | fear of oracular sight
magdalene as woman & high priestess | feminine magic | fear of oracular sight


July 22, 10am PT

Mary Magdalene & feminine magic

Mary Magdalene was a powerful, historical woman—and an initiated priestess.

She’s iconic for holding the position of the “Fallen Woman” who was cast out, exiled as a whore, a sinner, and unclean because the patriarchy projected their fear of feminine power onto her.

And though the men and church created a narrative of her being a sinful prostitute, she has lovingly remained in our consciousness. We know that she wasn’t a “whore,” but a priestess.

She has shown us how to be present, in devotion, even during the most difficult of times, tending to those who are in pain, and priestessing wholeness back onto the planet.

When Mary Magdalene was cast out, so was feminine magic

Women’s intuition and inner gnosis became shunned and vilified … our self-worth was

For the next few thousand years, women were afraid (rightfully so) of being cast out and persecuted, just like Mary Magdalene, for carrying magic that’s innately feminine.

It’s time to reclaim the feminine magic that’s encoded in our bodies—and the Magdalene is here as our guide.

Magdalene as Oracular High Priestess

There’s a cry for the Divine Feminine and the reclamation of our magic.

We see the Magdalene in many different faces and voices, as she’s not just one historical being: She’s also a collective avatar.

The Magdalene archetypal consciousness has been rising within the collective, awakening ancient, embodied wisdom.


She’s calling you to access your inner High Priestess—to awaken your sight, intuition, psychic ability, and seership.

High Priestesses connect to symbolism, myth, poetry, dance, and song; these are breadcrumbs, showing the way, helping part the veils.

The archetypal Magdalene as Oracular High Priestess is returning from exile after a few thousand years … now emboldened and empowered to reclaim her rightful place.

She wants you to remember and awaken your inner knowing, wisdom, inner sight, and ability to see between the veils.

Magdalena Oracular Lineages…

Learn about the power of the oracle in ancient times, and the ways her demise is concurrent with the eradication of women from positions of power, respect, authority, and leadership.

Throughout this webinar, you’ll discover the stories of the following oracles, how they’re connected to the Blue Rose lineage of the Magdalane, and why they matter now…

It’s time to see more clearly:

Awaken your inner sight!

It’s time to listen even more deeply than you ever have...

The fear of reclaiming your visionary gifts…

Perhaps it’s difficult for you to trust your inner wisdom. This is a wound that has been passed down through the generations—one that has had us fear our intuition and innate connection to the Divine.

So many women with priestess wounds have the fear of being truly seen, of being visible.

I’ve heard woman after woman state they’re deathly afraid of:

  • What they “see”
  • Knowing what they know
  • Being called “crazy” or “mad”
  • Persecution
  • Humiliation
  • Annihilation
  • Being “in trouble”

Our world needs oracular high priestesses

There’s a reason this face of the Magdalene is so prevalent in our lives, and at a time when we experience so much polarization in our world.

It’s profoundly important to be skilled and trust your clear knowing so that you can navigate what is “real” in times of so much chaos; being adept at this carries incredible sophic wisdom.

Yet, there are fears deeply embedded in our consciousness.

The Magdalene is here as a guide to help you become empowered to trust your oracular gifts. This is so deeply needed.

This masterclass is for you if you feel drawn to the Magdalene & have fears around expressing your…


The Priestess Presence LLC “Magdalene Magic” is a webinar for spiritual education. It is not designed to treat any psychological or physical disorders. The Priestess Presence LLC and Elayne Kalila Doughty are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. 

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It’s time to see more clearly:
Awaken your inner sight!
It’s time to listen even more deeply than you ever have...